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© Труды КарНЦ РАН, 2014-2019
Евгений Александрович Боровичев
ORCID iD Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера КНЦ РАН
кандидат биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории наземных экосистем
Михаил Николаевич Кожин
ORCID iD Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
Биологический факультет, каф. экологии и географии растений, доцент
Алексей Валерьевич Мелехин
Полярно-альпийский ботанический сад-институт им. Н.А. Аврорина КНЦ РАН
кандидат биологических наук, научный сотрудник
Станислав Анатольевич Кутенков
Институт биологии – обособленное подразделение ФГБУН ФИЦ «Карельский научный центр РАН»
кандидат биологических наук, заведующий лабораторией болотных экосистем
Олег Леонидович Кузнецов
Институт биологии – обособленное подразделение ФГБУН ФИЦ «Карельский научный центр РАН»
доктор биологических наук, главный научный сотрудник
Наталья Евгеньевна Королева
Полярно-альпийский ботанический сад-институт им. Н.А. Аврорина КНЦ РАН
кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник
Павел Алексеевич Игнашов
Институт биологии – обособленное подразделение ФГБУН ФИЦ «Карельский научный центр РАН»
младший научный сотрудник
Маргарита Анатольевна Фадеева
Институт леса КарНЦ РАН
кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник
Юлия Ростиславовна Химич
Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера КНЦ РАН
кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории наземных экосистем
Анна Владимировна Разумовская
Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера КНЦ РАН
научный сотрудник
Екатерина Владимировна Кудр
Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
Ксения Борисовна Попова
Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
Evgeny Borovichev
ORCID iD Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Mikhail Kozhin
ORCID iD Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute KSC RAS
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Aleksey Melekhin
Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute KSC RAS
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Stanislav Kutenkov
Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Oleg Kuznetsov
Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Natalia Koroleva
Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Center of RAS
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Pavel Ignashov
Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Margarita Fadeeva
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Yulia Khimich
Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Anna Razumovskaya
Institute of the Industrial Ecology problems of the North, Kola Science Centre, Russian academy of sciences (INEP)
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Ekaterina Kudr
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi
Ksenia Popova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sixty two important findings of 34 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were for the first time recorded in the area, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for certain protected areas, or represented in not more than five locations in the Murmansk Region, or the northernmost records of the species in the world or in Europe. The lichen Sarcosagium campestre was found in the region for the first time; the fungus Globulicium hiemale was the first reliable record from the Murmansk Region; four species of fungi (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Geoglossum umbratile, Kurtia argillacea, Pseudotomentella nigra) were found in the region for the second time. New localities were found for five species of lichens (Enchylium limosum, Fuscopannaria confusa, Lecidea promiscua, Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum, Toninia squalida). A rare orchid species Calypso bulbosa was found in the protected area “Kovdskye listvennitsy (Kovda Larches)”. Moss species Andreaea obovata and Buxbaumia aphylla were for the first time recorded from the nature monument “Baranii Lob u ozera Semenovskoye (Roche moutonnée at Lake Semenovskoye)”. Two species of bryophytes (Buxbaumia aphylla, Peltolepis quadrata) and three species of vascular plants (Beckwi