Coupling general ocean circulation models with the BFM marine ecosystem model
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Tedesco L., Vichi M., Haapala J., Stipa T. A dynamic biologically-active layer for numerical studies of the sea ice ecosystem. Ocean Modelling. 2010. Vol. 35. P. 89–104.
Tedesco L., Vichi M., Haapala J., Stipa T. An enhanced sea ice thermodynamic model applied to the Baltic Sea. Boreal Environment Research.
Vol. 14. P. 68–80.
Tedesco L., Miettunen E., An B. W., Haapala J., Kaartokallio H. Long-term mesoscale variability of modelled sea-ice primary production in the northern Baltic sea. Elem Sci Anth. 2017. Vol. 5. P. 5–29.
Tedesco L., Vichi M., Thomas D. N. Process studies on the ecological coupling between sea ice algae and phytoplankton. Ecological Modelling.
Vol. 226. P. 120–138.
Vichi M., Masina S., Navarra A. A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part II: numerical simulations. Journal of Marine Systems. 2007. Vol. 64. P. 110–134.
Vichi M., Pinardi N., Masina S. A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part I: theory. Journal of Marine Systems. 2007. Vol. 64. P. 89–109.
Vichi M., Cossarini G., Gutierrez M. E. et al. The Biogeochemical Flux Model (BFM): Equation description and user manual. Bologna: BFM Consortium, 2013.
Vichi M., Lovato T., Gutierrez Mlot E., McKiver W. Coupling BFM with Ocean models: the NEMO model (Nucleus for the European Modelling of the Ocean). Bologna: BFM Consortium, 2015.
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