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Ефремова Т.В., Здоровеннова Г.Э, Пальшин Н.И. Ледовый режим озер Карелии // Водная среда: обучение для устойчивого развития. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. С. 31—40.
Здоровеннов Р.Э., Здоровеннова Г.Э., Тержевик А.Ю. Межгодовая изменчивость снежно-ледового покрова озера Вендюрского // Актуальные проблемы экологии: тезисы докл. IV Межд. Науч.-практ. конф. (Гродно, Беларусь, 27-29 октября 2010 г.) Гродно: ГрГУ, 2010, С. 229—231.
Петров М. П., Тержевик А. Ю., Пальшин Н. И., Здоровеннов Р. Э., Здоровеннова Г. Э. Поглощение солнечной радиации снежно-ледовым покровом озер // Водные ресурсы. 2005. Т. 32. № 5. С. 546—554.
Петров М. П., Тержевик А. Ю., Здоровеннов Р. Э., Здоровеннова Г. Э. Особенности термической структуры мелководного озера в начале зимы // Водные Ресурсы. 2006. Т. 33. № 2. С. 154—162.
Тержевик А.Ю., Пальшин Н.И., Голосов С.Д., Здоровеннов Р.Э., Здоровеннова Г.Э., Митрохов А.В., Потахин М.С., Шипунова Е.А., Зверев И.С. Гидрофизические аспекты формирования кислородного режима мелководного озера, покрытого льдом // Водные ресурсы. 2010. Т. 37. №5. С. 568—579.
Чехин Л.П. Световой режим водоемов / Петрозаводск: Карельский филиал АН СССР, 1987. 130 с.
Arst, H., A. Erm, M. Leppäranta and A. Reinart. Radiative characteristics of ice-covered fresh- and brackish-water bodies // Proc. of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology. 2006. 55(1). P. 3—23.
Arst H., Erm A., Herlevi A., Kutser T., Leppäranta M., Reinart A. and Virta J. Optical properties of boreal lake water in Finland and Estonia // Boreal Env. Research, 2008.13. Р.133—158.
Ashton G.D. River and lake ice thickening, thinning and snow ice formation // Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 2011. 68. Р. 3—19.
Bolsenga S. J. Total albedo of Great Lakes ice // Water Resour. Res. 1969. 5(5). Р. 1132—1133, doi:10.1029/WR005i005p01132.
Jonas T., Terzhevik A.Y., Mironov D.V., Wüest A. Radiatively driven convection in an ice-covered lake investigated by using temperature microstructure technique // J. Geophys. Res. 2003. 108:18. PP. doi: 200310.1029/2002JC001316.
Kelley D.E. Convection in ice-covered lakes: effects on algal suspension // J. Plankton. Res. 1997. V.19. P. 1859—1880.
Kirillin G., Terzhevik A. Thermal instability in freshwater lakes under ice: Effect of salt gradients or solar radiation? // Cold Reg. Sci. and Technol. 2011. 65. P. 184—190. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.08.010
Lei R., Leppäranta M., Erm A., Jaatinen E., Pärn O. Field investigations of apparent optical properties of ice cover in Finnish and Estonian lakes in winter 2009 // Est. J. Earth Sci. 2011. 60(1). P. 50—64.
Leppäranta M., Kosloff P. The thickness and structure of Lake Pääjärvi ice // Geophysica. 2000. 36. Р. 233—248.
Leppäranta M., Terzhevik A., Shirasawa K. Solar radiation and ice melting in Lake Vendyurskoe, Russian Karelia // Hydrology Research. 2010. V. 41. №1. P. 50—62.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. A field study of Thermo- and Hydrodynamics in three Small Karelian Lakes during winter 1994/1995 / Department of Water Resources Engineering. Institute of Technology. University of Lund, 1996. №. 3197. 220 p.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. Temperature and Hydrodynamics in Lake Vendurskoe during Winter 1995/1996 / Department of Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Technology. University of Lund, 1997a. №. 3213. 203 p.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. Temperature and salt content regime in three shallow ice-covered lakes. Heat and mass fluxes // Nordic Hydrology. 1997b. V. 28. Р. 129—152.
Zdorovennov R., Palshin N., Zdorovennova G., Efremova T., Terzhevik A. Interannual variability of ice and snow cover of a small shallow lake // Est. J. of Earth Sci. 2013. 61(1). P. 26—32.
Zdorovennova G., Zdorovennov R., Palshin N., Terzhevik A. Optical properties of the ice cover on Vendyurskoe lake, Russian Karelia (1995–2012) // Annals of Glaciology, 2013. 54(62). P. 121—124.
Chekhin L. P. Svetovoi rezhim vodoemov [Light regime in water bodies]. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skii filial AN SSSR, 1987. 130 p.
Efremova T. V., Zdorovennova G. E., Pal'shin N. I. Ledovyi rezhim ozer Karelii [Karelian lakes ice regime]. Vodnaya sreda: obuchenie dlya ustoichivogo razvitiya [Aquatic environment. Education for sustainable development]. Petrozavodsk: KarRC of RAS. 2010. P. 31–40.
Petrov M. P., Terzhevik A. Yu., Pal'shin N. I., Zdorovennov R. E., Zdorovennova G. E. Pogloshchenie solnechnoi radiatsii snezhno-ledovym pokrovom ozer [Absorption of solar radiation by snow-and-ice cover of lakes]. Vodnye resursy [Water resour.]. 2005. Vol. 32, No 5. P. 546–554.
Petrov M. P., Terzhevik A. Yu., Zdorovennov R. E., Zdorovennova G. E. Osobennosti termicheskoi struktury melkovodnogo ozera v nachale zimy [The thermal structure of a shallow lake in early winter]. Vodnye Resursy [Water resour.]. 2006. Vol. 33, No 2. P. 154–162.
Terzhevik A. Yu., Pal'shin N. I., Golosov S. D., Zdorovennov R. E., Zdorovennova G. E., Mitrokhov A. V., Potakhin M. S., Shipunova E. A., Zverev I. S. Gidrofizicheskie aspekty formirovaniya kislorodnogo rezhima melkovodnogo ozera, pokrytogo l'dom [Hydrophysical aspects of oxygen regime formation in a shallow lake covered with ice]. Vodnye resursy [Water resour.]. 2010. Vol. 37, No 5. P. 568–579.
Zdorovennov R. E., Zdorovennova G. E., Terzhevik A. Yu. Mezhgodovaya izmenchivost' snezhno-ledovogo pokrova ozera Vendyurskogo [Interannual variability of snow and ice cover of Lake Vendyurskoe]. Aktual'nye problemy ekologii: tezisy dokl. IV Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Grodno, Belarus', 27–29 oktyabrya 2010 g.) [Actual ecological problems. Abstr. rept. The 4th intern. sci. and pract. conf. (Grodno, Belorussia 27–29 October, 2010)]. Grodno: GrGU, 2010. P. 229–231.
Arst H., Erm A., Leppäranta M., Reinart A. Radiative characteristics of ice-covered fresh- and brackish-water bodies. Proc. of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology. 2006. 55 (1). P. 3–23.
Arst H., Erm A., Herlevi A., Kutser T., Leppäranta M., Reinart A., Virta J. Optical properties of boreal lake water in Finland and Estonia. Boreal Env. Research. 2008. Iss. 13. Р. 133–158.
Ashton G. D. River and lake ice thickening, thinning and snow ice formation. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 2011. Iss. 68. Р. 3–19.
Bolsenga S. J. Total albedo of Great Lakes ice. Water Resour. Res. 1969. 5 (5). Р. 1132–1133, doi:10.1029/WR005i005p01132.
Jonas T., Terzhevik A. Y., Mironov D. V., Wüest A. Radiatively driven convection in an ice-covered lake investigated by using temperature microstructure technique. J. Geophys. Res. 2003. 108:18. doi: 200310.1029/2002JC001316.
Kelley D. E. Convection in ice-covered lakes: effects on algal suspension. J. Plankton. Res. 1997. Iss. 19. P. 1859–1880.
Kirillin G., Terzhevik A. Thermal instability in freshwater lakes under ice: Effect of salt gradients or solar radiation. Cold Reg. Sci. and Technol. 2011. Iss. 65. P. 184–190. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.08.010
Lei R., Leppäranta M., Erm A., Jaatinen E., Pärn O. Field investigations of apparent optical properties of ice cover in Finnish and Estonian lakes in winter 2009. Estonian J. of Earth Sciences. 2011. 60 (1). P. 50–64.
Leppäranta M., Kosloff P. The thickness and structure of Lake Pääjärvi ice. Geophysica. 2000. Iss. 36. Р. 233–248.
Leppäranta M., Terzhevik A., Shirasawa K. Solar radiation and ice melting in Lake Vendyurskoe, Russian Karelia. Hydrology Research. 2010. Vol. 41, No 1. P. 50–62.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. A field study of Thermo- and Hydrodynamics in three Small Karelian Lakes during winter 1994/1995. Department of Water Resources Engineering. Institute of Technology. University of Lund, 1996. No. 3197. 220 p.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. Temperature and Hydrodynamics in Lake Vendurskoe during Winter 1995/1996. Department of Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Technology. University of Lund, 1997a. No. 3213. 203 p.
Malm J., Terzhevik A., Bengtsson L., Boyarinov P., Glinsky A., Palshin N., Petrov M. Temperature and salt content regime in three shallow ice-covered lakes. Heat and mass fluxes. Nordic Hydrology. 1997b. Vol. 28. Р. 129–152.
Zdorovennov R., Palshin N., Zdorovennova G., Efremova T., Terzhevik A. Interannual variability of ice and snow cover of a small shallow lake. Est. J. of Earth Sci. 2013. 61 (1). P. 26–32.
Zdorovennova G., Zdorovennov R., Palshin N., Terzhevik A. Optical properties of the ice cover on Vendyurskoe lake, Russian Karelia (1995–2012). Annals of Glaciology. 2013. 54 (62). P. 121–129.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/lim71
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