Основная задача данного исследование состоит в реконструкции и анализе изменений природно-климатических условий голоцена для Карельского перешейка. Весной 2012 годы были отобраны образцы донных отложений оз. Медведевского. По данным AMS-датирования установлен возраст осадков, который охватывает позднеледниковье и весь голоцен. Комплексный анализ донных отложений включил в себя литологический, LOI и хирономидный анализы. По результатам хирономидного анализа реконструированы природно-климатические обстановки голоцена Карельского перешейка.
Ключевые слова
Полный текст:
Андроников А. В., Субетто Д. А., Лауретта Д. С. и др. Поиск следов метеоритного удара: особенности распределения микроэлементов в позднеплейстоценовых осадках оз. Медведевского (Карельский перешеек, Россия) // Доклады Академии наук. 2014. № 1. C. 69–73
Назарова Л. Б. Использование биологических индикаторов в палеоэкологических исследованиях // Биологические индикаторы в палеобиологических исследованиях: атлас / Pед. Л. Б. Назарова. Казань: Казан. ун-т. 2013. С. 4–7.
Субетто Д. А. Донные отложения озер: палеолимнологические реконструкции. СПб.: РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена. 2009. 309 c.
Andronikov A., Subetto D., Lauretta D. et al. In Search for Fingerprints of an Extraterrestrial Event: Trace Element Characteristics of Sediments from the Lake Medvedevskoye (Karelian Isthmus, Russia) // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2014. No 1. P. 819–823.
Barley E. M., Walker I. R., Kurek J. et al. A northwest North American training set: distribution of freshwater midges in relation to air temperature and lake depth // Journal of Paleolimnology. 2006. Vol. 36. P. 295–314.
Brooks S. J., Birks H. J. B. Chironomid inferred air temperature from late glacial and Holocene sites in north-west Europe: progress and problems // Quaternary Science Reviews. 2001. Vol. 20. P. 1723–1741.
Brooks S. J., Langdon P. G., Heiri O. Using and identifying chironomid larvae in palaeoecology // QRA Technical Guide No 10, Quaternary Research Association, London. 2007. 276 p.
Larocque I., Hall R. I., Grahn E. Chironomids as indicators of climatic and environmental change: A 100-lake training set from a subarctic region of northern Sweden (Lapland) // Journal of Paleolimnology. 2001. Vol. 26. P. 307–322.
Nazarova L. B., Pestryakova L. A., Ushnitskaya L., Hubberten H. W. Chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) in lakes of central Yakutia and their indicative potential for paleoclimatic research // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2008. Vol. 1. P. 335–345
Nazarova L., Herzschuh U., Wetterich S. et al. Chironomid-based inference models for estimating mean July air temperature and water depth from lakes in Yakutia, northeastern Russia // Journal of Paleoecology. 2011. Vol. 45. P. 57–71
Nazarova L., Lüpfert H., Subetto D., Pestryakova L., Diekmann B. Holocene climate conditions in Central Yakutia (North-Eastern Siberia) inferred from sediment composition and fossil chironomids of Lake Temje // Quaternary International. 2013a. P. 264–274
Nazarova L., de Hoog V., Hoff U., Diekmann B. Late Holocene climate and environmental changes in Kamchatka inferred from subfossil chironomid record // Quaternary Science Reviews. 2013b. P. 81–92.
Self A. E., Brooks S. J., Birks H. J. B. et al. The distribution and abundance of chironomids in high-latitude Eurasian lakes with respect to temperature and continentality: development and application of new chironomid-based climate-inference models in northern Russia // Quaternary Science Reviews. 2011. Vol. 30. P. 1122–1141.
Subetto D., Andronikov A., Lauretta D. et al. Variation of trace element concentrations in a lake sediment sequence in the Al-YD transition zone (NW Russia) // Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly. 2014. Vol. 16. 576 p.
Sundqvist H. S., Kaufman D. S., McKay N. P. et al. Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables // Clim. Part. 10. P. 605–1631. DOI:10.5194/cp-10-1605-2014, 2014. IF 3.482
Syrykh L., Nazarova L., Subetto D. Paleoecological research on the Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia (evidence from chironomid analysis lake Medvedevskoe) // 19th International Symposium on Chironomidae. 2014a. 85 p.
Syrykh L., Nazarova L., Subetto D. et al. Multy-proxy reconstruction of climate and environment on the Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia // Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly, 2014b. Vol. 16. 576 p.
Andronikov A. V., Subetto D. A., Lauretta D. S., Andronikova I. E., Drosenko D. A., Kuznetsov D. D., Sapelko T. V., Syrykh L. S. Poisk sledov meteoritnogo udara: osobennosti raspredeleniya mikroelementov v pozdnepleitotsenovykh osadkakh oz. Medvedevskogo (Karel'skii peresheek, Rossiya) [In search for fingerprints of a meteorite hit: characteristics of trace element distribution of sediments from the Lake Medvedevskoye (Karelian Isthmus, Russia) in the Late Pleistocene]. Doklady Akademii nauk [Proceedings of RAS]. 2014. No 1. P. 69–73
Nazarova L. B. Ispol'zovanie biologicheskikh indikatorov v paleoekologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [The use of biological indicators in paleoecological studies]. Biologicheskie indikatory v paleobiologicheskikh issledovaniyakh: atlas [Biological indicators in paleobiological studies: atlas]. Ed. L. B. Nazarova. Kazan': Kazan. un-t. 2013. P. 4–7.
Subetto D. A. Donnye otlozheniya ozer: paleolimnologicheskie rekonstruktsii [Lake bottom sediments: paleolimnological reconstructions]. St. Petersburg: RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena. 2009. 309 p.
Andronikov A., Subetto D., Lauretta D., Andronikova I., Rudnickaite E., Drosenko D., Syrykh L. In Search for Fingerprints of an Extraterrestrial Event: Trace Element Characteristics of Sediments from the Lake Medvedevskoye (Karelian Isthmus, Russia). Doklady Earth Sciences. 2014. No 1. P. 819–823.
Barley E. M., Walker I. R., Kurek J., Cwynar L. C. Mathewes, RW, Gajewski, K, Finney, BP. A northwest North American training set: distribution of freshwater midges in relation to air temperature and lake depth. Journal of Paleolimnology. 2006. Vol. 36. P. 295–314.
Brooks S. J., Birks H. J. B. Chironomid inferred air temperature from late glacial and Holocene sites in north-west Europe: progress and problems. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2001. Vol. 20. P. 1723–1741.
Brooks S. J., Langdon P. G., Heiri O. Using and identifying chironomid larvae in palaeoecology. QRA Technical Guide No 10, Quaternary Research Association, London. 2007. 276 p.
Larocque I., Hall R. I., Grahn E. Chironomids as indicators of climatic and environmental change: A 100-lake training set from a subarctic region of northern Sweden (Lapland. Journal of Paleolimnology. 2001. Vol. 26. P. 307–322.
Nazarova L. B., Pestryakova L. A., Ushnitskaya L., Hubberten H. W. Chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) in lakes of central Yakutia and their indicative potential for paleoclimatic research. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2008. Vol. 1. P. 335–345
Nazarova L., Herzschuh U., Wetterich S., Kumke Th., Pestjakova L. Chironomid-based inference models for estimating mean July air temperature and water depth from lakes in Yakutia, northeastern Russia. Journal of Paleoecology. 2011. Vol. 45. P. 57–71
Nazarova L., Lüpfert H., Subetto D., Pestryakova L., Diekmann B. Holocene climate conditions in Central Yakutia (North-Eastern Siberia) inferred from sediment composition and fossil chironomids of Lake Temje. Quaternary International. 2013a. P. 264–274
Nazarova L., de Hoog V., Hoff U., Diekmann B. Late Holocene climate and environmental changes in Kamchatka inferred from subfossil chironomid record. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2013 b. P. 81–92.
Self A. E., Brooks S. J., Birks H. J. B., Nazarova L. Porinchu, D., Odland, A., Yang, H. and Jones, V.J. The distribution and abundance of chironomids in high-latitude Eurasian lakes with respect to temperature and continentality: development and application of new chironomid-based climate-inference models in northern Russia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2011. Vol. 30. P. 1122–1141.
Subetto D., Andronikov A., Lauretta D., Drosenko D., Syrykh L. Variation of trace element concentrations in a lake sediment sequence in the Al-YD transition zone (NW Russia). Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly. 2014. Vol. 16. 576 p.
Sundqvist H. S., Kaufman D. S., McKay N. P. et al. Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables. Clim. Part. 10. P. 605–1631. DOI:10.5194/cp-10-1605-2014, 2014. IF 3.482
Syrykh L., Nazarova L., Subetto D. Paleoecological research on the Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia (evidence from chironomid analysis lake Medvedevskoe). 19th International Symposium on Chironomidae. 2014. 85 p.
Syrykh L., Nazarova L., Subetto D. et al. Multy-proxy reconstruction of climate and environment on the Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly, 2014. Vol. 16. 576 p.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/lim52
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