Влияние развития крупных регионов на эффективность российской экономики
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De S. Intangible capital and growth in the ‘new economy’:Implications of a multi-sector endogenous growth model. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 2014. Vol. 28. P. 25–42.
Felipe J., Fisher F. Aggregation in production functions: what applied economists should know. Metroeconomica. 2003. Vol. 54. P. 208–262.
Felipe J., Fisher F. Aggregate production functions, neoclassical growth models and the aggregation problem. Estudios de Economia Aplicada. 2006. Vol. 24–1. P. 127–163.
Felipe J., McCombie J. S. L. How Sound are the Foundations of the Aggregate Production Function? Eastern Economic Journal. 2005. Vol. 31. P. 467–488.
Fisher F. Aggregate production functions – a pervasive, but unpersuasive, fairytale. Eastern Economic Journal. 2005. Vol. 31. No 3. P. 489–491.
Leontief W. W. Introduction to a Theory of the Internal Structure of Functional Relationships. Econometrica. 1947. Vol. 15 (4). P. 361–373.
Martikainen M., Nikkinen J., Vahamaa S. Production functions and productivity of family firms: Evidence from the S&P 500. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 2009. Vol. 49. P. 297–305.
Rizov M., Oskam A., Walsh P. Is there a limit to agglomeration? Evidence from productivity of Dutch firms. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2012. Vol. 42. P. 595–606.
Solow R. Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1957. Vol. 39, No 3 (Aug., 1957). P. 312–320.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/reg65
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