Татьяна Геннадиевна Шибаева, Елена Георгиевна Шерудило, Александр Федорович Титов, Tatyana Shibaeva, Elena Sherudilo, Alexander Titov


Ежесуточные кратковременные понижения температуры (ДРОП-воздействия, от англ. drop – падение) в конце ночи или в начале дня применяются в растениеводстве с целью торможения роста растений для получения компактной рассады овощных и клумбовых растений, а также при выращивании цветочных растений, как альтернатива использованию ретардантов. В данной работе изучено влияние ДРОП-воздействий, осуществляемых в разное время суток, на рост, фотосинтетическую активность и холодоустойчивость растений. Растения огурца (Cucumis sativus L.) и томата (Solanum lycopersicum L.) выращивали в камере искусственного климата при температуре воздуха 23°С, фотосинтетически активной радиации (ФАР) 200 мкмоль/(м2·с), фотопериоде 12 ч. Начиная с 7-х (для огурца) или с 14-х (для томата) суток от момента замачивания семян растения в течение 6 сут подвергали 2-часовому воздействию температуры 10°С в начале, середине или в конце ночного периода, а также в начале, середине или в конце дневного периода. Показано, что ДРОП-воздействия эффективны в отношении торможения линейного роста растений независимо от времени их применения в суточном цикле. Оптимальное время для ДРОП-воздействий с целью получения компактных растений может не совпадать с периодами наибольшей скорости роста стебля, т.к. ДРОП-воздействия сами по себе способны модифицировать суточную ритмику роста растений. Наличие или отсутствие света в период ДРОП-воздействий оказывает намного более сильное влияние на ответную реакцию растений, чем суточная ритмика чувствительности растений к охлаждению. Полученные данные подтверждают наличие в реакций растений на ДРОП-воздействия хорошо выраженной видоспецифичности.

Ключевые слова

Cucumis sativus L.; Solanum lycopersicum L.; низкая температура; суточная динамика роста; холодоустойчивость.

Полный текст:



Дроздов С. Н., Будыкина Н. П., Курец В. К., Балагурова Н. И. Определение устойчивости растений к заморозкам // Методы оценки устойчивости растений к неблагоприятным условиям среды. Л.: Колос,

С. 222–228.

Икконен Е. Н., Шибаева Т. Г., Шерудило Е. Г., Титов А. Ф. Влияние ДРОП-воздействий на эффективность использования световой энергии в процессе фотосинтеза у растений огурца // Труды КарНЦ РАН.

№ 6. С. 49–55. doi: 10.17076/eb319

Шибаева Т. Г., Шерудило Е. Г., Титов А. Ф. Реакция растений Cucumis sativus L. на длительное постоянное и кратковременные ежесуточные воздействия низких температур // Физиология растений. 2018. Т. 65, № 2. С. 143–152. doi: 10.7868/S0015330318020069

Alscher G., Rietze E., Wiebe H.‑J. Diurnal chilling sensitivity of some vegetable crops // Biotronics. 1988. Vol. 17. P. 17–20.

Bakken A. K., Moe R. Height and quality control in Christmas begonia by growth-retarding temperature regimes // Acta Agric. Scand. Sect. B, Soil and Plant Sci. 1995. Vol. 45. P. 283–292.

Berghage R. Controlling height with temperature // Hort. Technology. 1998. Vol. 8, no. 4. P. 535–539.

Bertram L., Karlsen P. Patterns in stem elongation rate in chrysanthemum and tomato plants in relation to irradiance and day/night temperature // Sci. Hort. 1994. Vol. 58. P. 139–150. doi: 10.1016/0304-238(94)901341

Cuijpers L. H. M., Vogelezang J. V. M. DIF and temperature drop for short-day pot plants // Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 25–32. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic. 1992.327.3

Erwin J. E. Thermomorphogenesis in plants: PhD Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1991. 165 p.

Erwin J. E., Heins R. D. Effect of diurnal temperature fluctuations on stem elongation circadian rhythms // Hortic. Sci. 1988. Vol. 23, no. 3. P. 164.

Erwin J. E., Heins R. D. Thermomorphogenic responses in stem and leaf development // Hort. Science. 1995. Vol. 30, no. 5. P. 940–949.

Graamans L., Baeza E., Dobbelsteen A. D., Tsafaras I., Stanghellini C. Plant factories versus greenhouses: Comparison of resource use efficiency // Agric Sys. 2018. Vol. 160. P. 31–43. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.11.003

Gertsson U. Influence of temperature on shoot elongation in young tomato plants // Acta Hortic. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 71–76. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.327.8

Grimstad S. O. The effect of a daily low temperature pulse on growth and development of greenhouse cucumber and tomato plants during propagation // Sci. Hort. 1993. Vol. 53. P. 53–62. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(93)90137-F

Grimstad S. O. Low-temperature pulse affects growth and development of young cucumber and tomato plants // J. Hortic. Sci. 1995. Vol. 70, no. 1. P. 75–80. doi: 10.1080/14620316.1995.11515275

Grindal G., Moe R. Effects of temperature-drop and a short dark interruption on stem elongation and flowering in Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch. // Sci. Hortic. 1994. Vol. 57. P. 123–132. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(94) 90040-X

Grindal G., Moe R. Growth rhythm and temperature DROP // Acta Hort. 1995. Vol. 378. P. 47–52. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1995.378.6

Hepburn H. A., Naylor F. L., Strokes D. I. Electrolyte leakage from winter barley tissue as indicator of winter hardiness // Ann. Appl. Biol. 1986. Vol. 108. P. 164–165.

Hetherington S. E., He J., Smillie R. M. Photoinhibition at low temperature in chilling-sensitive and -resistant plants // Plant Physiol. 1989. Vol. 90. P. 1609–1615. doi: 10.1104/pp.90.4

Hincha D. K., Popova A. V., Cacela C. Effect of sugars on the stability and structure of lipid membranes during drying // Advances in planer lipid bilayers and liposomes / A. Leitmannova Liu (Ed.). Vol. 3. Amsterdam: Elsever, 2006. P. 189–217. doi: 10.1016/S1554-4516(05) 03006-1

Kerdnaimongkol K., Bhatia A., Joly R. J., Woodson W. R. Oxidative stress and diurnal variation in chilling sensitivity of tomato seedlings // J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1997. Vol. 122. P. 485–490.

King A. I., Joyce D. C., Reid M. Role of carbohydrates in diurnal chilling sensitivity of tomato seedlings // Plant Physiol. 1988. Vol. 86. P. 764–768.

King A. J., Reid M. S., Patterson B. D. Diurnal changes in the chilling sensitivity of seedlings // Plant Physiol. 1982. Vol. 70. P. 211–214. doi: 10.1104/pp.70.1.211

Lecharny A., Schwall M., Wagner E. Stem extension rate in light-grown plants // Plant Physiol. 1985. Vol. 79. P. 625–629.

Lyons J. M. Chilling injury in plants // Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 1973. Vol. 24. P. 445–466. doi: 10.1146/annurev.pp.24.060173.002305

Maxwell K., Johnson G. N. Chlorophyll fluorescence – a practical guide // J. Exp. Bot. 2000. Vol. 51, no. 345. P. 659–668. doi: 10.1093/jexbot/51.345.659

McMichael B. L., Hanny B. W. Endogenous levels of abscisic acid in water-stressed cotton leaves // Agronomy. 1977. Vol. 69. P. 979–982.

Moe R., Heins R. D. Control of plant morphogenesis and flowering by light quality and temperature // Acta Hort. 1990. Vol. 272. P. 81–90.

Moe R., Gromsrud N., Bratberg I., Valsø S. Control of plant height in poinsettia by temperature drop and graphical tracking // Acta Hortic. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 41–48. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic. 1992.327.5

Moe R., Mortensen L. M. Thermomorphogenesis in pot plants // Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 305. P. 19–25. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.305.2

Mortensen L. M., Moe R. Effects of various day and night temperature treatments on the morphogenesis and growth of some greenhouse and bedding plant species // Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 77–86. doi:


Myster J., Moe R. Effect of diurnal temperature alternation on plant morphology in some greenhouse crops – a mini review // Sci. Hort. 1995. Vol. 62, iss. 4. P. 205–215. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(95)00783-P

Nováková M., Motyka V., Dobrev P. I., Malbeck J., Gaudinova A., Vankova R. Diurnal variation of cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid level in tobacco leaves // J. Exp. Bot. 2005. Vol. 56, no. 421. P. 2877–2883. doi:


Pantin F., Simonneau T., Rolland G., Dauzat M., Muller B. Control of leaf expansion: a development switch from metabolic to hydraulics // Plant Physiol. 2011. Vol. 156, no. 2. P. 803–815. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.176289

Purvis A. C. Free proline in peel of grapefruit and resistance to chilling injury during cold storage // Hort. Sci. 1981. Vol. 16. P. 160–161.

Rietze E., Wiebe H.‑J. Diurnal rhythm of chilling sensitivity of cucumbers in light // Sci. Hortic. 1989. Vol. 38. P. 231–237. doi: 10.1016/0304-238(89)90070-8

Rikin A., Gitler C., Atsmon D. Chilling injury in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): light requirement for the reduction of injury and for the protective effect of abscisic acid // Plant Cell Physiol. 1981. Vol. 22. P. 453–460. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a076187

Runkle E. Controlling height with temperature drops // Greenhouse Product News. 2009. April. P. 50.

Salveit M. E. Jr., Morris L. L. Overview on chilling injury of horticultural crops. In: CY Wang, ed., Chilling Injury of horticultural crops. FL; Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1990. P. 3–15.

Da Silva J. M., Arrabaça M. C. Contributions of soluble carbohydrates to the osmotic adjustment in the C4 grass Setaria sphacelata: a comparison between rapidly and slowly imposed water stress // J. Plant Physiol. 2004. Vol. 161. P. 551–555. doi: 10.1078/0176-1617-01109

Stavang J. A., Junttila O., Moe R., Olsen J. E. Differential temperature regulation of GA metabolism in light and darkness in pea // J. Exp. Bot. 2007. Vol. 58, no. 11. P. 3061–3069. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erm163

Stewart J. M., Guinn G. Chilling injury and nucleotide changes in young cotton plants // Plant Physiol. 1971. Vol. 48. P. 166–170. doi: 10.1104/pp.48.2.166

Sweeny B. M. Rhythmic phenomena in plants. San Diego, USA: Academic Press, 1987. 172 p.

Sysoeva M. I., Markovskaya E. F., Kharkina T. G. Optimal temperature drop for the growth and development of young cucumber plants // Plant Growth Regul. 1997. Vol. 6. P. 1–5. doi: 10.1023/A:1005834702680

Sysoeva M. I., Markovskaya E. F., Kharkina T. G., Sherudilo E. G. Temperature drop, dry matter accumulation and cold resistance of young cucumber plants // Plant Growth Regul. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 89–94. doi:


Sysoeva M. I., Patil G. G., Sherudilo E. G., Torre S., Markovskaya E. F., Moe R. Effect of temperature drop and photoperiod on cold resistance in young cucumber plants – involvement of phytochrome B // Plant Stress.

Vol. 2, no. 1. P. 84–88.

Tutty J. R., Hicklenton P. R., Kristie D. N., McRae K. B. The influence of photoperiod and temperature on the kinetics of stem elongation in Dendranthema grandiflorum // J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1994. Vol. 119. P. 138–143.

Ueber E., Hendriks L. Effects of intensity, duration and timing of a temperature drop on the growth and flowering of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch. // Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 33–40. doi: 10.17660/


Ueber E., Hendriks L. Intensity effects of a temperature drop on pelargoniums // Acta Hort. 1995. Vol. 378. P. 34. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1995.378.3

Vågen I. M., Moe R., Ronglan E. Diurnal temperature alternations (DIF/drop) affect chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio in Melissa officinalis L. and Ocimum basilicum L., but not in Viola x wittrockiana Gams. // Sci. Hortic. 2003. Vol. 97. P. 153–162. doi:


Yelenosky G. Accumulation of free proline in citrus leaves during cold hardening of young trees in controlled temperature regimes // Plant Physiol. 1979. Vol. 64. P. 425–427. doi: 10.1104/pp.64.3.425

References in English

Drozdov S. N., Budykina N. P., Kurets V. K., Balagurova N. I. Opredelenie ustoichivosti rastenii k zamorozkam [Determination of plant resistance to light frost]. Metody otsenki ustoichivosti rastenii k neblagopriyat‑

nym usloviyam sredy [Methods for assessing plant tolerance to unfavorable conditions]. Leningrad: Kolos, 1976. P. 222–228.

Ikkonen E. N., Shibaeva T. G., Sherudilo E. G., Titov A. F. Vliyanie DROP-vozdeistvii na effektivnost’ ispol’zovaniya svetovoi energii v protsesse fotosinteza u rastenii ogurtsa [Effect of a temperature drop on the apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis in cucumber plants]. Trudy KarNTs RAN [Trans. KarRC RAS]. 2016. No. 6. P. 49–55. doi: 10.17076/eb319

Shibaeva T. G., Sherudilo E. G., Titov A. F. Reaktsiya rastenii Cucumis sativus L. na dlitel’noe postoyannoe i kratkovremennye ezhesutochnye vozdeistviya nizkikh temperature [Response of cucumber (Cucumis sati‑

vus L.) plants to prolonged permanent and short-term daily exposures to chilling temperature]. Fiziol. rast. [Russ. J. Plant Physiol.]. 2018. Vol. 65, no. 2. P. 143–152. doi: 10.7868/S0015330318020069

Alscher G., Rietze E., Wiebe H.‑J. Diurnal chilling sensitivity of some vegetable crops. Biotronics. 1988. Vol. 17. P. 17–20.

Bakken A. K., Moe R. Height and quality control in Christmas begonia by growth-retarding temperature regimes. Acta Agric. Scand. Sect. B, Soil and Plant Sci. 1995. Vol. 45. P. 283–292.

Berghage R. Controlling height with temperature. Hort. Technology. 1998. Vol. 8, no. 4. P. 535–539.

Bertram L., Karlsen P. Patterns in stem elongation rate in chrysanthemum and tomato plants in relation to irradiance and day/night temperature. Sci. Hort. 1994. Vol. 58. P. 139–150. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(94)90134-1

Cuijpers L. H. M., Vogelezang J. V. M. DIF and temperature drop for short-day pot plants. Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 25–32. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.327.3

Erwin J. E. Thermomorphogenesis in plants: PhD Diss. Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1991. 165 pp.

Erwin J. E., Heins R. D. Effect of diurnal temperature fluctuations on stem elongation circadian rhythms. Hortic. Sci. 1988. Vol. 23, no. 3. P. 164.

Erwin J. E., Heins R. D. Thermomorphogenic responses in stem and leaf development. Hort. Sci. 1995. Vol. 30, no. 5. P. 940–949.

Graamans L., Baeza E., Dobbelsteen A. D., Tsafaras I., Stanghellini C. Plant factories versus greenhouses: Comparison of resource use efficiency. Agric Sys. 2018. Vol. 160. P. 31–43. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.11.003

Gertsson U. Influence of temperature on shoot elongation in young tomato plants. Acta Hortic. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 71–76. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.327.8

Grimstad S. O. The effect of a daily low temperature pulse on growth and development of greenhouse cucumber and tomato plants during propagation. Sci. Hort. 1993. Vol. 53. P. 53–62. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(93)90137-F

Grimstad S. O. Low-temperature pulse affects growth and development of young cucumber and tomato plants. J. Hortic. Sci. 1995. Vol. 70, no. 1. P. 75–80. doi: 10.1080/14620316.1995.11515275

Grindal G., Moe R. Effects of temperature-drop and a short dark interruption on stem elongation and flowering in Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch. Sci. Hortic. 1994. Vol. 57. P. 123–132. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(94)90040-X

Grindal G., Moe R. Growth rhythm and temperature DROP. Acta Hort. 1995. Vol. 378. P. 47–52. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1995.378.6

Hepburn H. A., Naylor F. L., Strokes D. I. Electrolyte leakage from winter barley tissue as indicator of winter hardiness. Ann. Appl. Biol. 1986. Vol. 108. P. 164–165.

Hetherington S. E., He J., Smillie R. M. Photoinhibition at low temperature in chilling-sensitive and -resistant plants. Plant Physiol. 1989. Vol. 90. P. 1609–1615. doi: 10.1104/pp.90.4

Hincha D. K., Popova A. V., Cacela C. Effect of sugars on the stability and structure of lipid membranes during drying. A. Leitmannova Liu (Ed.). Advances in planer lipid bilayers and liposomes. Vol. 3. Amsterdam: Elsever, 2006. P. 189–217. doi: 10.1016/S1554-4516(05)03006-1

Kerdnaimongkol K., Bhatia A., Joly R. J., Woodson W. R. Oxidative stress and diurnal variation in chilling sensitivity of tomato seedlings. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1997. Vol. 122. P. 485–490.

King A. I., Joyce D. C., Reid M. Role of carbohydrates in diurnal chilling sensitivity of tomato seedlings. Plant Physiol. 1988. Vol. 86. P. 764–768.

King A. J., Reid M. S., Patterson B. D. Diurnal changes in the chilling sensitivity of seedlings. Plant Physiol. 1982. Vol. 70. P. 211–214. doi: 10.1104/pp.70.1.211

Lecharny A., Schwall M., Wagner E. Stem extension rate in light-grown plants. Plant Physiol. 1985. Vol. 79. P. 625–629.

Lyons J. M. Chilling injury in plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 1973. Vol. 24. P. 445–466. doi: 10.1146/annurev.pp.24.060173.002305

Maxwell K., Johnson G. N. Chlorophyll fluorescence – a practical guide. J. Exp. Bot. 2000. Vol. 51, no. 345. P. 659–668. doi: 10.1093/jexbot/51.345.659

McMichael B. L., Hanny B. W. Endogenous levels of abscisic acid in water-stressed cotton leaves. Agronomy. 1977. Vol. 69. P. 979–982.

Moe R., Heins R. D. Control of plant morphogenesis and flowering by light quality and temperature. Acta Hort. 1990. Vol. 272. P. 81–90.

Moe R., Gromsrud N., Bratberg I., Valsø S. Control of plant height in poinsettia by temperature drop and graphical tracking. Acta Hortic. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 41–48. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.327.5

Moe R., Mortensen L. M. Thermomorphogenesis in pot plants. Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 305. P. 19–25. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.305.2

Mortensen L. M., Moe R. Effects of various day and night temperature treatments on the morphogenesis and growth of some greenhouse and bedding plant species. Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 77–86. doi:


Myster J., Moe R. Effect of diurnal temperature alternation on plant morphology in some greenhouse crops – a mini review. Sci. Hort. 1995. Vol. 62, iss. 4. P. 205–215. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(95)00783-P

Nováková M., Motyka V., Dobrev P. I., Malbeck J., Gaudinova A., Vankova R. Diurnal variation of cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid level in tobacco leaves. J. Exp. Bot. 2005. Vol. 56, no. 421. P. 2877–2883. doi:


Pantin F., Simonneau T., Rolland G., Dauzat M., Muller B. Control of leaf expansion: a development switch from metabolic to hydraulics. Plant Physiol. 2011. Vol. 156, no. 2. P. 803–815. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.176289

Purvis A. C. Free proline in peel of grapefruit and resistance to chilling injury during cold storage. Hort. Sci. 1981. Vol. 16. P. 160–161.

Rietze E., Wiebe H.‑J. Diurnal rhythm of chilling sensitivity of cucumbers in light. Sci. Hortic. 1989. Vol. 38. P. 231–237. doi: 10.1016/0304-4238(89)90070-8

Rikin A., Gitler C., Atsmon D. Chilling injury in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): light requirement for the reduction of injury and for the protective effect of abscisic acid. Plant Cell Physiol. 1981. Vol. 22. P. 453–460. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a076187

Runkle E. Controlling height with temperature drops. Greenhouse Product News. 2009. April. P. 50.

Salveit M. E. Jr., Morris L. L. Overview on chilling injury of horticultural crops. CY Wang, ed., Chilling Injury of horticultural crops. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1990. P. 3–15.

Da Silva J. M., Arrabaça M. C. Contributions of soluble carbohydrates to the osmotic adjustment in the C4 grass Setaria sphacelata: a comparison between rapidly and slowly imposed water stress. J. Plant Physiol. 2004.

Vol. 161. P. 551–555. doi: 10.1078/0176-1617-01109

Stavang J. A., Junttila O., Moe R., Olsen J. E. Differential temperature regulation of GA metabolism in lighta nd darkness in pea. J. Exp. Bot. 2007. Vol. 58, no. 11. P. 3061–3069. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erm163

Stewart J. M., Guinn G. Chilling injury and nucleotide changes in young cotton plants. Plant Physiol. 1971. Vol. 48. P. 166–170. doi: 10.1104/pp.48.2.166

Sweeny B. M. Rhythmic phenomena in plants. San Diego, USA: Academic Press, 1987. 172 p.

Sysoeva M. I., Markovskaya E. F., Kharkina T. G. Optimal temperature drop for the growth and development of young cucumber plants. Plant Growth Regul. 1997. Vol. 6. P. 1–5. doi: 10.1023/A:1005834702680

Sysoeva M. I., Markovskaya E. F., Kharkina T. G., Sherudilo E. G. Temperature drop, dry matter accumulation and cold resistance of young cucumber plants. Plant Growth Regul. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 89–94. doi:


Sysoeva M. I., Patil G. G., Sherudilo E. G., Torre S., Markovskaya E. F., Moe R. Effect of temperature drop and photoperiod on cold resistance in young cucumber plants – involvement of phytochrome B. Plant Stress.

Vol. 2, no. 1. P. 84–88.

Tutty J. R., Hicklenton P. R., Kristie D. N., McRae K. B. The influence of photoperiod and temperature on the kinetics of stem elongation in Dendranthema grandiflorum. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1994. Vol. 119. P. 138–143.

Ueber E., Hendriks L. Effects of intensity, duration and timing of a temperature drop on the growth and flowering of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch. Acta Hort. 1992. Vol. 327. P. 33–40. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.327.4

Ueber E., Hendriks L. Intensity effects of a temperature drop on pelargoniums. Acta Hort. 1995. Vol. 378. P. 34. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1995.378.3

Vågen I. M., Moe R., Ronglan E. Diurnal temperature alternations (DIF/drop) affect chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio in Melissa officinalis L. and Ocimum basilicum L., but not in Viola x wittrockiana Gams. Sci. Hortic. 2003. Vol. 97. P. 153–162. doi:


Yelenosky G. Accumulation of free proline in citrus leaves during cold hardening of young trees in controlled temperature regimes. Plant Physiol. 1979. Vol. 64. P. 425–427. doi: 10.1104/pp.64.3.425

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/eb1088


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