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Бибикова Е. В., Самсонов А. В., Петрова А. Ю., Кирнозова Т. И. Геохронология архея западной Карелии // Стратиграфия. Геологическая корреляция. 2005. Т. 13, № 5. С. 3–20.
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Кулешевич Л.В. Эволюция эндогенных режимов и стадийность золотого рудообразования в Костомукшской структуре, Карелия // Доклады Академии наук. 2004. Т. 396, №6. С. 808-812.
Лобач-Жученко С. Б., Арестова Н. А., Милькевич Р. И., Левченков О. А., Сергеев С. А. Стратиграфический разрез Костомукшской структуры (верхний архей), реконструированный на основе геохронологических, геохимических и изотопных данных // Стратиграфия. Геологическая корреляция. 2000. Т. 8, № 4. С. 3-10.
Самсонов А. В., Берзин Р. Г., Заможняя Н. Г., Щипанский А. А., Бибикова Е. В., Кирнозова Т. И., Конилов А. Н. Процессы формирования раннедокембрийской коры северо-запада Карелии, Балтийский щит: результаты геологических, петрологических и глубинных сейсмических (профиль 4В) исследований / Глубинное строение и эволюция земной коры восточной части Фенноскандинавского щита: профиль Кемь-Калевала. 2001. С. 109-143.
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Coggon R. M., Teagle D. A. H., Cooper M. J., Hayes T. E. F., Green D. R. H. Data report: compositions of calcium carbonate veins from superfast spreading rate crust, ODP Leg 206. // Eds. Teagle D. A. H., Wilson D. S., Acton G. D., Vanko D. A. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Programm, Scientific Results, Vol. 206: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1–6. 2006. DOI:10.2973/ odp.proc.sr.206.002.2006
Сolvine A.C., Andrews A. J., Cherry M. E., Durocher M. E., Fyon A. J., Lavigne M. J., Macdonald A. J., Marmont S., Poulsen K. H., Springer J. S., Troop D. G. An integrated model for the origin of Archean lode gold deposits. Ontario Geological survey open-file report 5524. 1984. 98 p.
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Elmer F. L., White R. W., Powell R. Devolatilization of metabasic rocks during greenschist-amphibolite facies metamorphism // Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 2006. Vol. 24. P. 497-513. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2006.00650.x
Fyon J. A., Schwarcz H. P., Crocket J. H. Carbon and oxygen isotope chemistry of replacement carbonates from the Timmins-Porcupine Gold Camp // Summary of Research, Geoscience Research Grant Program, Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Paper 93. 1980. P. 72-83.
Fyon J. A., Schwarcz H. P., Crocket J. H. Krogh M. Grant 49: Gold exploration potential using oxygen, carbon and hydrogen stable isotope systematics of carbonatized rock and quartz veins, Timmins area. Ontario: Ontario Geological Survey, Misc. Paper, 1982. 103 p.
Fyon J. A., Crocket J. H., Schwarcz H. P. Application of stable isotope studies to gold metallogeny in the Timmins-Porcupine camp. Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 5464. 1983. 182 p.
Goldfarb R. J., Baker T., Dubé B., Groves D. I., Hart C. J. R., Gosselin P. Distribution, Character, and Genesis of Gold Deposits in Metamorphic Terranes // Economic Geology 100th Anniversary volume. 2005. P. 407-450.
Golding S. D., Groves D. I., VcNaughton N. J. Barley M. E., Rock N. M. S. Carbon isotopic composition of carbonates from contrasting alteration styles in supracrustal rocks of the Norseman-Wiluna Belt, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia: Their significance to the source of Archaean auriferous fluids // Recent Advances in Understanding Precambrian Gold Deposits / Eds. S. E. Ho, D. I. Groves. 1987. Geology Department & University Extension, University of Western Australia, Publication No. 11. P. 215-238.
Golding S.D., McNaughton N. J., Barley M. E., Groves D. I., Ho S. E., Rock N. M. S., Turner J. V. Archean carbon and oxygen reservoirs: their significance for fluid sources and circulation paths for Archean mesothermal gold deposits of the NorsemanWiluna Belt, Western Australia // Economic Geology Monographs. 1989. Vol. 6. P. 376-388. DOI: 10.5382/Mono.06.29
Groves D. I., Golding S. D., Rock N. M. S., Barley M. E., McNaughton N. J. Archaean carbon reservoirs and their relevance to the fluid source for gold deposits // Nature. 1988. Vol. 331. P. 253-257.
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Kerrich R. Carbon-isotope systematic of Archean Au-Ag vein deposits in the Superior Province // Canadian Journal of Earth Science. 1990. Vol. 27. P. 40-56. DOI: 10.1139/e90-004
Lampinen H. Karbonaattiutuminen ja siihen liittyvä kultamalmin muodostus arkeeisella Kuhmon-Suomussalmen vihreäkivivyöhykkeellä (Carbonatization and associated gold mineralization in the Archean Kuhmo-Suomussalmi Greenstone Belt). Master’s Thesis. 2005. 174 p.
McCuaig T. C. Kerrich R. P-T-t-deformation-fluid characteristics of lode gold deposits: evidence from alteration systematic // Ore Geology Reviews. 1998. Vol. 12. P. 381-453. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-1368(98)80002-4
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Puchtel I. S., Hofmann A. W., Mezger K., Jochum K. P., Shchipansky A. A., Samsonov A. V. Oceanic plateau model for continental crustal growth in the Archaean: a case study from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt, NW Baltic Shield // Earth Planetary Science Letters. 1998. 155, 57–74. DOI: 10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00202-1
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Stoute J. E. Carbonated Sections from komatiite flow-top alteration zones in the Barberton greenstone belt: implications for near-surface archean environments. 2007. LSU Master's Theses. 2984. 112 p.
Tourpin S., Gruau G., Blais S., Fourcade S. Resetting of REE, and Nd and Sr isotopes during carbonitization of a komatiite flow from Finland // Chemical geology. 1991. Vol. 90. P. 15-29. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2541(91)90030-U
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Zheng Y. F. Oxygen isotope fractionation in carbonate and sulfate minerals // Geochemical journal. 1999. Vol. 33. P. 109-126. DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.33.109
Arndt N. T., Lesher C. M., Barnes S. J. Komatiite. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2008. 467 p.
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Coggon R. M., Teagle D. A. H., Cooper M. J., Hayes T. E. F., Green D. R. H. Data report: compositions of calcium carbonate veins from superfast spreading rate crust, ODP Leg 206. // Eds. Teagle D. A. H., Wilson D. S., Acton G. D., Vanko D. A. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Programm, Scientific Results, Vol. 206: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1–6. 2006. DOI:10.2973/ odp.proc.sr.206.002.2006
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Elmer F. L., White R. W., Powell R. Devolatilization of metabasic rocks during greenschist-amphibolite facies metamorphism // Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 2006. Vol. 24. P. 497-513. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2006.00650.x
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Goldfarb R. J., Baker T., Dubé B., Groves D. I., Hart C. J. R., Gosselin P. Distribution, Character, and Genesis of Gold Deposits in Metamorphic Terranes // Economic Geology 100th Anniversary volume. 2005. P. 407-450.
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Puchtel I. S., Hofmann A. W., Mezger K., Jochum K. P., Shchipansky A. A., Samsonov A. V. Oceanic plateau model for continental crustal growth in the Archaean: a case study from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt, NW Baltic Shield // Earth Planetary Science Letters. 1998. 155, 57–74. DOI: 10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00202-1
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Tourpin S., Gruau G., Blais S., Fourcade S. Resetting of REE, and Nd and Sr isotopes during carbonitization of a komatiite flow from Finland // Chemical geology. 1991. Vol. 90. P. 15-29. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2541(91)90030-U
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Veizer J., Hoefs J., Lowe D. R. Thurston P. C. Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: II. Archean greenstone belts and Archean sea water // Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 1989. Vol. 53. P. 859-871. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(89)90031-8
Zheng Y. F. Oxygen isotope fractionation in carbonate and sulfate minerals // Geochemical journal. 1999. Vol. 33. P. 109-126. DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.33.109
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/geo1186
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