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Метасоматизм и метасоматические породы. Колл. авторов. Ред. В.А. Жариков, В.Л. Русинов. М.: Научный мир, 1998, 492с.
Перчук А.Л. Петрология и минеральная хронометрия коровых эклогитов // Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора геолого-минералогических наук. Москва. 2003. 333 с.
Перчук А.Л., Варламов Д.В. Новый тип проградной гетерогенности граната (на проимере эклогитов Большого Кавказа) // Геохимия. 1995. №9. С. 1296-1310.
Русинов В.А. Геологические и физико-химические закономерности пропилитизации. М.: Наука, 1972. 204 с.
О.С. Сибелев, А.И. Слабунов, С. Мишра, В. Сингх Метаморфизм Центрально-Бунделкхандского зеленокаменного комплекса Бунделкхандского кратона Индийского щита // Труды Ферсмановской научной сессии ГИ КНЦ РАН. 2019. Volume 16, pp 512-516; doi:10.31241/fns.2019.16.104
Слабунов А.И. Синг В.K. Новая схема тектонического районирования Бунделкхандского кратона Индийского щита // Труды Ферсмановской научной сессии ГИ КНЦ РАН , Volume 16, pp 521-524; doi:10.31241/fns.2019.16.106
Соболев Н.В. Парагенетические типы гранатов. Москва: Наука. 1964. 219 с.
Berman R.G. Thermobarometry using multiequilibrium calculations: a new technique with petrological application // Can. Mineral. 1991. V. 29. N 4. P. 833-855.
Berry L.G., Mason B., Dietrich R.V. Mineralogy. 1959. W.H. Freeman. San Francisco. 630p
Blundy J.D., Holland T.J.B. Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer. Contrib. Mineral. and Petrol. 1990. V. 104, N.2. P.208-224,
Donna L. W., Bernard W. E. 2010. Abbreviations for names of rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist, Volume 95, pages 185–187.
Fonarev V.I., Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. A consistent system of geotermometers for metamorphic complexes // International Geology Review, 1991. 33:8, P. 743-783.
Grew E.S., Locock A.J., Mills S.J., Galuskina I.O., Galuskin E.V., Hålenius U. Nomenclature of the garnet supergroup // Amer. Mineral. 2013. V. 98. P. 785-811.
Kaur P., Zeh A., Chaudhri N., Eliyas N. Unravelling the record of Archaean crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, northern India using U–Pb zircon–monazite ages, Lu–Hf isotope systematics, and whole-rock geochemistry of granitoids // Precambrian Research. 2016. V. 281. P. 384–413.
Malvia V.P., Arina M., Pati J.K., Kaneko Y.., Petrology and Geochemistry of Metamorphosed basaltic pillow lava and basaltic komatiite in the Mauranipur are: subduction related volcanism in the Archean Bundelkhand craton, Central India // Jornal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 2006, v. 101, p. 199-219
Nasipuri P., Saha L., Hangqiang X.,. Pati J.K, Satyanaryanan M., Sarkar S., Bhandari A., Gaur Y. Paleoarchean Crustal Evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, North Central India // Earth’s Oldest Rocks. 2019. Chapter 31. P. 793-817.
Pati J.K., Patel S.C., Pruseth K.L., Malviya V.P., Arima M., Raju S., Pati P., Prakash K. Geology and geochemistry of giant quartz veins from the Bundelkhand Craton, Central India and their implications // Journal of Earth System Science. 2007. V. 116. P. 497–510.
Powell R. Regression diagnostics and robust regression in geothermometer/geobarometer calibration: the garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer revised // J. Metamorphic Geol. 1985. V.3, N.3, P. 231-243.
Perchuk A.L., Phillipot P., Erdmer P., Fialin M. Rates of thermal equilibration at the onset of subduction deduced from diffusion modeling of eclogitic garnet, Yukon-Tanana terrain // Geology. 1999. 27. P. 531-534.
Ramakrishnan M., Vaidyanadhan R. Geology of India. Geological Society of India. 2010. 556 p.
Saha L., Pant N. C., Pati J. K., Upadhyay D., Berndt J., Bhattacharya A., Satynarayanan M.. Neoarchean high-pressure margarite–phengitic muscovite–chlorite corona mantled corundum in quartz-free high-Mg, Al phlogopite–chlorite schists from the Bundelkhand craton, north central India // Contrib Mineral Petrol, 2011.V. 161, Р. 511–530
Schmidt M.W. Amphibole composition as a function of buffer assemblage and pressure: an experimental approach // EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. AGU . Fall Meeting, 1991. V.72, N.44, Supplement. P. 547.
Sibelev O.S., Slabunov A.I., Mishra S., Singh V.K. 2019. Metamorphism of the Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex of the Bundelkhand craton, Indian Shield // Transactions of A. Fersman Scientific Session of Geological Institute. Kola Research Centre, RAS, Apatity, Russia, 16, 512–516, https://doi.org/10.31241/FNS.2019.16.104
Singh S.P. Archean geology of Bundelkhand craton, Central India: an overview // Gondvana geological magazine. 2012. Special volume №13. P. 125-140.
Singh S.P., Dwivedi S.B. 2009. Garnet–sillimanite–cordierite–quartz bearing assemblages from early Archean supracrustal rocks of Bundelkhand Massif, Central India // Curr Sci 97:103–107.
Singh V.K., Slabunov A. The central Bundelkhand Archean greenstone complex, Bundelkhand craton, central India: geology, composition, and geochronology of supracrustal rocks // International Geology Review. 2015. V. 57. P. 1349–1364.
Singh P.K., Verma S.K., Moreno J.A., Singh V.K., Malviya P.K., Oliveira E.P., Mishra S., Arima M., Geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of metabasalts from the Babina and Mauranipur greenstone belts, Bundelkhand craton: Implications for tectonic setting and Paleoarchean mantle evolution // Lithos. 2019. V. 330-331. P. 90-107, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.02.010
Singh V.K., Slabunov A. Two types of Archean supracrustal belts in the Bundelkhand craton, India: Geology, geochemistry, age and implication for craton crustal evolution // Journal of the Geological Society of India. 2016. V. 88. P. 339–348.
Slabunov A.I., Singh V.K. Meso–Neoarchaean crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, Indian Shield: new data from greenstone belts // International Geology Review. 2018. doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2018.1512906.
Slabunov A., Singh V.K. The new tectonic division of the Bundelkhand Craton Indian Shield // Transactions of A. Fersman Scientific Session of Geological Institute. Kola Research Centre, RAS, Apatity, Russia, 16. 521–524, https://doi.org/10.31241/FNS.2019.16.106
Slabunov A., Singh V.K., Kumar B., Xiaoli L. Paleoarchean zircons from quartzite of South BundelkhandSupracrustal Complex: origin and implications for crustal evolution in Bundelkhand Craton, Central India // Current Science. 2017. V. 112. P. 794–801.
Wells P.R.A. P-T conditions in the Moines of the Central Highlands, Scotland. J. Geol. Soc. London, 1979. V.136. Р. 663-671.
Zharikov V.А. & Rusinov V.L. (Eds). 1988. Metasomatism and metasomatic rocks. М.:Nauchny mir, 1998, 492 p. [in Russian]
Перчук А.Л. Петрология и минеральная хронометрия коровых эклогитов // Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора геолого-минералогических наук. Москва. 2003. 333 с.
Перчук А.Л., Варламов Д.В. Новый тип проградной гетерогенности граната (на проимере эклогитов Большого Кавказа) // Геохимия. 1995. №9. С. 1296-1310.
Русинов В.А. Геологические и физико-химические закономерности пропилитизации. М.: Наука, 1972. 204 с.
Sibelev O.S., Slabunov A.I., Mishra S., Singh V.K. 2019. Metamorphism of the Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex of the Bundelkhand craton, Indian Shield // Transactions of A. Fersman Scientific Session of Geological Institute. Kola Research Centre, RAS, Apatity, Russia, 16, 512–516, https://doi.org/10.31241/FNS.2019.16.104
Slabunov A., Singh V.K. 2019. The new tectonic division of the Bundelkhand Craton Indian Shield // Transactions of A. Fersman Scientific Session of Geological Institute. Kola Research Centre, RAS, Apatity, Russia, 16. 521–524, https://doi.org/10.31241/FNS.2019.16.106
Соболев Н.В. Парагенетические типы гранатов. Москва: Наука. 1964. 219 с.
Berman R.G. Thermobarometry using multiequilibrium calculations: a new technique with petrological application // Can. Mineral. 1991. V. 29. N 4. P. 833-855.
Berry L.G., Mason B., Dietrich R.V. Mineralogy. 1959. W.H. Freeman. San Francisco. 630p
Blundy J.D., Holland T.J.B. Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer. Contrib. Mineral. and Petrol. 1990. V. 104, N.2. P.208-224,
Donna L. W., Bernard W. E. 2010. Abbreviations for names of rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist, Volume 95, pages 185–187.
Fonarev V.I., Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. A consistent system of geotermometers for metamorphic complexes // International Geology Review, 1991. 33:8, P. 743-783.
Grew E.S., Locock A.J., Mills S.J., Galuskina I.O., Galuskin E.V., Hålenius U. Nomenclature of the garnet supergroup // Amer. Mineral. 2013. V. 98. P. 785-811.
Kaur P., Zeh A., Chaudhri N., Eliyas N. Unravelling the record of Archaean crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, northern India using U–Pb zircon–monazite ages, Lu–Hf isotope systematics, and whole-rock geochemistry of granitoids // Precambrian Research. 2016. V. 281. P. 384–413.
Malvia V.P., Arina M., Pati J.K., Kaneko Y.., Petrology and Geochemistry of Metamorphosed basaltic pillow lava and basaltic komatiite in the Mauranipur are: subduction related volcanism in the Archean Bundelkhand craton, Central India // Jornal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 2006, v. 101, p. 199-219
Nasipuri P., Saha L., Hangqiang X.,. Pati J.K, Satyanaryanan M., Sarkar S., Bhandari A., Gaur Y. Paleoarchean Crustal Evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, North Central India // Earth’s Oldest Rocks. 2019. Chapter 31. P. 793-817.
Pati J.K., Patel S.C., Pruseth K.L., Malviya V.P., Arima M., Raju S., Pati P., Prakash K. Geology and geochemistry of giant quartz veins from the Bundelkhand Craton, Central India and their implications // Journal of Earth System Science. 2007. V. 116. P. 497–510.
Powell R. Regression diagnostics and robust regression in geothermometer/geobarometer calibration: the garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer revised // J. Metamorphic Geol. 1985. V.3, N.3, P. 231-243.
Perchuk A.L., Phillipot P., Erdmer P., Fialin M. Rates of thermal equilibration at the onset of subduction deduced from diffusion modeling of eclogitic garnet, Yukon-Tanana terrain // Geology. 1999. 27. P. 531-534.
Perchuk А.L. Petrology and mineral chronometry of crustal eclogites // D.Sc dissertation (geology-mineralogy). Moscow. 2003. 333 p.
Perchuk А.L. & Varlamov D.V. A new type of prograde garnet heterogeneity (a case study of Greater Caucasus eclogites) // Geokhimia. 1995. No.9. P. 1296-1310.
Rusinov V.А. Geological and physico-chemical characteristics of propylitization. М.: Nauka, 1972. 204 p.
Ramakrishnan M., Vaidyanadhan R. Geology of India. Geological Society of India. 2010. 556 p.
Saha L., Pant N. C., Pati J. K., Upadhyay D., Berndt J., Bhattacharya A., Satynarayanan M.. Neoarchean high-pressure margarite–phengitic muscovite–chlorite corona mantled corundum in quartz-free high-Mg, Al phlogopite–chlorite schists from the Bundelkhand craton, north central India // Contrib Mineral Petrol, 2011.V. 161, Р. 511–530
Schmidt M.W. Amphibole composition as a function of buffer assemblage and pressure: an experimental approach // EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. AGU . Fall Meeting, 1991. V.72, N.44, Supplement. P. 547.
Sibelev O.S., Slabunov A.I., Mishra S., Singh V.K. 2019. Metamorphism of the Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex of the Bundelkhand craton, Indian Shield // Transactions of A. Fersman Scientific Session of Geological Institute. Kola Research Centre, RAS, Apatity, Russia, 16, 512–516, https://doi.org/10.31241/FNS.2019.16.104
Singh S.P. Archean geology of Bundelkhand craton, Central India: an overview // Gondvana geological magazine. 2012. Special volume №13. P. 125-140.
Singh S.P., Dwivedi S.B. 2009. Garnet–sillimanite–cordierite–quartz bearing assemblages from early Archean supracrustal rocks of Bundelkhand Massif, Central India // Curr Sci 97:103–107.
Singh V.K., Slabunov A. The central Bundelkhand Archean greenstone complex, Bundelkhand craton, central India: geology, composition, and geochronology of supracrustal rocks // International Geology Review. 2015. V. 57. P. 1349–1364.
Singh P.K., Verma S.K., Moreno J.A., Singh V.K., Malviya P.K., Oliveira E.P., Mishra S., Arima M., Geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of metabasalts from the Babina and Mauranipur greenstone belts, Bundelkhand craton: Implications for tectonic setting and Paleoarchean mantle evolution // Lithos. 2019. V. 330-331. P. 90-107, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.02.010
Singh V.K., Slabunov A. Two types of Archean supracrustal belts in the Bundelkhand craton, India: Geology, geochemistry, age and implication for craton crustal evolution // Journal of the Geological Society of India. 2016. V. 88. P. 339–348.
Slabunov A.I., Singh V.K. Meso–Neoarchaean crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, Indian Shield: new data from greenstone belts // International Geology Review. 2018. doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2018.1512906.
Slabunov A., Singh V.K. The new tectonic division of the Bundelkhand Craton Indian Shield // Труды Ферсмановской научной сессии ГИ КНЦ РАН, 2019.
Slabunov A., Singh V.K., Kumar B., Xiaoli L. Paleoarchean zircons from quartzite of South BundelkhandSupracrustal Complex: origin and implications for crustal evolution in Bundelkhand Craton, Central India // Current Science. 2017. V. 112. P. 794–801.
Wells P.R.A. P-T conditions in the Moines of the Central Highlands, Scotland. J. Geol. Soc. London, 1979. V.136. Р. 663-671.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/geo1184
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