Тенденции изменения содержания тяжелых металлов в донных отложениях озер Севера Фенноскандии в последние столетия

Владимир Андреевич Даувальтер, Николай Александрович Кашулин, Дмитрий Борисович Денисов, Vladimir Dauvalter, Nikolai Kashulin, Dmitry Denisov


Для изучения тенденций изменения нагрузки тяжелых металлов на водосборы озер Севера Фенноскандиии их экологического состояния были отобраны колонки донных отложений (ДО) озер приграничной территории между Россией, Норвегией и Финляндией, находящейся в зоне влияния выбросов комбината «Печенганикель». В пробах ДО было проведено определение возраста по хронологии 210Pb. Установлено, что средние скорости осадконакопления в исследуемых озерах довольно постоянны и находятся в пределах 0.7-1.6 мм/год. Увеличение содержания Ni, Cu и Co в ДО озер обычно обнаруживалось в слоях, возраст которых оценивается 20-ми и 30-ми годами XX столетия, а максимальных значений достигает в 70-80 годы прошлого столетия, как результат металлургической деятельности в этом регионе. Заметный рост концентраций Pb в датируемых ДО зафиксирован в начале 18-го века. Снижение содержания Pb в поверхностном слое ДО зафиксирован в большинстве исследуемых озер и датируется одним-двумя последними десятилетиями. Маркерами загрязнения водосборных бассейнов служат также Hg, As и Cd, начало загрязнения которыми датируется началом-серединой XIX в.

Ключевые слова

тяжелые металлы; донные отложения; озера; Север Фенноскандии; датирование.

Полный текст:



Даувальтер В.А. Концентрации тяжелых металлов в донных отложениях озер Кольского полуострова как индикатор загрязнения водных экосистем // Проблемы химического и биологического мониторинга экологического состояния водных объектов Кольского Севера. Апатиты: Изд-во КНЦ РАН, 1995. С. 24-35.

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Даувальтер В.А. Тяжелые металлы в донных отложениях озерно-речной системы озеро Инари – река Пасвик // Вод. ресурсы. 1998. Т. 25, № 4. С. 494-500.

Даувальтер В.А. Закономерности осадконакопления в водных объектах Европейской субарктики (природоохранные аспекты проблемы): автореф. дис. … докт. геогр. наук. Апатиты: изд-во КНЦ РАН, 1999. 52 с.

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Даувальтер В.А., Кашулин Н.А., Сандимиров С.С. Тенденции изменений химического состава донных отложений пресноводных Субарктических и Арктических водо-емов под влиянием природных и антропогенных факторов // Труды Кольского НЦ РАН. Прикладная экология Севера. Выпуск 1. 2012. № 2 (9). С. 54-87.

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Äjräs M., Cariat P. de, Chekushin V.A., Niskavaara H., Reimann C. Ecological investi-gation, Kola Peninsula: sulfur and trace element contents in snow // Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1995. V. 85. P. 749-754.

Äjräs M., Pavlov V.A., Reimann C. Comparison of sulfur and heavy metal contents and their regional distribution in humus and moss samples from vicinity of Nikel and Zapoljarnij, Kola Peninsula, Russia // Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1997. V. 98. P. 361-380.

Appleby P.G., Oldfield F. The calculation of the 210Pb dates assuming a constant rate of supply of unsupported 210Pb to sediments // Catena. 1978. V. 5. P. 1-8.

Cariat P. de, Reimann C., Äjräs M., Niskavaara H., Chekushin V.A., Pavlov V.A. Stream water geochemistry form selected catchments on the western Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 1. Element levels and sources // Appl. Geochem. 1996a. V. 2. P. 149-168.

Cariat P. de, Reimann C., Äjräs M., Niskavaara H., Chekushin V.A., Pavlov V.A. Stream water geochemistry form selected catchments on the western Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 2. Time-series // Appl. Geochem. 1996b. V. 2. P. 169-184.

Carignan R., Tessier A. Zinc deposition in acid lakes: the role of diffusion // Science. 1985. V. 228. P. 1524-1526.

Dauvalter V. Concentrations of heavy metals in superficial lake sediments of Pechenga district, Murmansk region, Russia // Vatten. 1992. V. 48, No. 2. P. 141-145.

Dauvalter V. Heavy metals in lake sediments of the Kola peninsula, Russia // Sci. Tot. Environ. 1994. V. 158. P. 51-61.

Dauvalter V.A. Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Inari-Pasvik lake-river sys-tem // Water Resources. 1998. V. 25, No. 4. P. 451-457.

Dauvalter V. Impact of mining and refining on the distribution and accumulation of nickel and other heavy metals in sediments of subarctic lake Kuetsjärvi, Murmansk region, Russia // J. Environ. Monitor. 2003. V. 5 (2). P.210-215.

Dauvalter V., Rognerud S. Heavy metals pollution in sediment of the Pasvik River drainage // Chemosphere. 2001. V. 42, No 1. P. 9-18.

Dauvalter V., Sandimirov S. Pollution of the Sediments of the Paz River basin / Eds. Stebel K., Chritinsen G., Derome J., Crekela I. State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area. The Finnish Environment. 2007. No. 6. 55 p.

Dauvalter V., Kashulin N., Sandimirov S., Terentjev P., Denisov D., Amundsen P.-A. Chemical composition of lake sediments along a pollution gradient in a Subarctic watercourse // J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A. 2011. V. 46, Issue 9. P. 1020-1033.

Gregurek D., Melcher F., Pavlov V.A., Reimann C., Stumpf E.F. Mineralogy and min-eral chemistry of snow filter residues in the vicinity of the nickel-copper processing industry, Kola Peninsula, NW Russia // Miner. Petrol. 1999. V. 65. P. 87-111.

Kashulin N.A., Dauvalter V.A., Sandimirov S.S., Terentjev P.M., Koroleva I.M. Cata-logue of lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Kopi-jyva Oy, 2008. 313 p.

Lukin A., Dauvalter V., Kashulin N., Yakovlev V., Sharov A., Vandysh O. Assessment of copper-nickel industry impact on a subarctic lake ecosystem // Sci. Tot. Environ. 2003. V. 306. P. 73-83.

Moiseenko T.I., Kudryavtseva L.P., Rodyushkin I.V., Dauvalter V.A., Lukin A.A. and Kashulin N.A. Airborne contaminants by heavy metals and aluminium in the freshwater eco-systems of the Kola subarctic region (Russia) // Sci. Tot. Environ. 1995. V. 160/161. P. 715-727.

Norton S.A., Hess C.T. Atmospheric deposition in Norway during the last 300 years as recorded in SNSF lake sediments: I. Sediment dating and chemical stratigraphy // Proc. In-tern. Ecol. Impact of Acidic Precipitation, SNSF-project, Sandefjorden, Norway, 1980. P. 274-275.

Norton S.A., Dillon P.J., Evans R.D., Mierle G., Kahl J.S. The history of atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb in North America: Evidence from lake and peat bog sediments // Lindberg S. E. et al. (Eds.). Sources, Deposition and Capony Interactions. V. III, Acidic Pre-cipitation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990. P. 73-101.

Norton S.A., Henriksen A., Appleby P.G. et al. Trace metal pollution in eastern Finnmark, Norway, as evidenced by studies of lake sediments. Oslo: SFT-report 487/92, 1992. 42 p.

Norton S.A., Appleby P.G., Dauvalter V., Traaen T.S. Trace metal pollution in eastern Finnmark, Norway and Kola Peninsula, Northeastern Russia as evidences by studies of lake sediment // NIVA-Report 41/1996, Oslo, 1996. – 18 p.

Pacyna J.M., Pacyna E.G. An assessment of global and regional emissions of trace elements to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources worldwide // Environ. Rev. 2001. V. 4. P. 269-298.

Reimann C., Banks D., Bogatyrev I., de Cariat P., Kashulina G., Niskavaara H. Lake water geochemistry on the western Kola Peninsula, north-west Russia // Appl. Geochem. 1999. V. 14. P. 787-805.

Renberg I., Persson M.W., Emteryd O. Pre-industrial atmospheric lead contamination detected in Swedish lake sediments // Nature. 1994. V. 368. P. 323-326.

Rognerud S. Sedimentundersøkelser i Pasvikela høsten 1989. Oslo: NIVA-Rapport 401/90, 1990. 10 p.

Rognerud S., Norton S.A., Dauvalter V. Heavy metal pollution in lake sediments in the border areas between Russia and Norway. Oslo: NIVA-Report 522/ 93, 1993. 18 p.

Rognerud S., Fjeld E. Regional survey of heavy metals in lake sediments in Norway // AMBIO. 1993. V. 22, No 4. P. 206-212.

Rognerud S., Skotvold T., Fjeld E., Norton S.A., Hobak A. Concentrations of trace ele-ments in recent and preindustrial sediments from Norwegian and Russian Arctic lakes // Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1998. Vol. 55. P. 1512-1523.

Rognerud S., Dauvalter V.A., Fjeld E., Skjelkvåle B.L., Christensen G., Kashulin N. Spatial Trends of Trace-Element Contamination in Recently Deposited Lake Sediment Around the Ni–Cu Smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic // AMBIO. 2013. V. 42, No. 6. P. 724–736.

Skogheim O.K. Rapport fra Arungenprosjektet. Oslo: As- NLH, Nr. 2, 1979. 7 p.

Traaen T. S., T. Moiseenko, V. Dauvalter, S. Rognerud, A. Henriksen, L. Kudravseva. Acidification of surface waters, nickel and copper in water and lake sediments in the Rus-sian Norwegian border areas. Working Group for Water and Environmental Problems under the Norwegian Soviet Environmental Protection Commission. Oslo and Apatity, 1991. 20 p.


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Dauval'ter V. A. Tyazhelye metally v donnykh otlozheniyakh ozerno-rechnoi sistemy ozero Inari – reka Pasvik [Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Inari-Pasvik lake-river system]. Vod. Resursy [Water resources]. 1998. Vol. 25, No 4. P. 494–500.

Dauval'ter V. A. Zakonomernosti osadkonakopleniya v vodnykh ob"ektakh Ev-ropeiskoi subarktiki (prirodookhrannye aspekty problemy) [Sedimentation patterns in water bodies of European Subarctic (environmental aspects)]: avtoref. dis. … dokt. geogr. nauk [PhD Diss. (Geogr.)]. Apatity: KNTs RAN, 1999. 52 p.

Dauval'ter V. A. Khimicheskii sostav donnykh otlozhenii subarkticheskogo ozera pod vliyaniem gornoi metallurgii [Chemical composition of subarctic lake sediments under impact of mining and metallurgy]. Izvestiya AN. Seriya geograficheskaya [Transactions of the Acad-emy of Sciences. Geographical series] 2002, No 4. P. 65–73.

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Dauval'ter V. A., Kashulin N. A., Sandimirov S. S. Tendentsii izmenenii khimi-cheskogo sostava donnykh otlozhenii presnovodnykh Subarkticheskikh i Arkticheskikh vodoemov pod vliyaniem prirodnykh i antropogennykh faktorov [Trends in the dynamics of chemical composition of sediments in freshwater Subarctic and Arctic reservoirs under natu-ral and anthropogenic factors]. Trudy Kol'skogo NTs RAN. Prikladnaya ekologiya Severa [Transactions of Kola SC RAS. Applied ecology of the North]. 2012. Iss. 1, No 2 (9). P. 54–87.

Kashulin N. A., Sandimirov S. S., Dauval'ter V. A., Terent'ev P. M., Denisov D. B. Ekologicheskii katalog ozer Murmanskoi oblasti [Ecological catalogue of lakes in the Mur-mansk region]. Severo-zapadnaya chast' Murmanskoi oblasti i prigranichnoi territorii sopre-del'nykh stran [North-West of the Murmansk region and border areas of adjacent states]. Apa-tity: KNTs RAN, 2009. Part. I. 226 p. Part. II. 262 p.

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Äjräs M., Cariat P. de, Chekushin V. A., Niskavaara H., Reimann C. Ecological investi-gation, Kola Peninsula: sulfur and trace element contents in snow. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1995. Vol. 85. P. 749–754.

Äjräs M., Pavlov V. A., Reimann C. Comparison of sulfur and heavy metal contents and their regional distribution in humus and moss samples from vicinity of Nikel and Zapoljarnij, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1997. Vol. 98. P. 361–380.

Appleby P. G., Oldfield F. The calculation of the 210Pb dates assuming a constant rate of supply of unsupported 210Pb to sediments. Catena. 1978. Vol. 5. P. 1–8.

Cariat P. de, Reimann C., Äjräs M., Niskavaara H., Chekushin V. A., Pavlov V. A. Stream water geochemistry form selected catchments on the western Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 1. Element levels and sources. Appl. Geochem. 1996a. Vol. 2. P. 149–168.

Cariat P. de, Reimann C., Äjräs M., Niskavaara H., Chekushin V. A., Pavlov V. A. Stream water geochemistry form selected catchments on the western Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 2. Time-series. Appl. Geochem. 1996b. Vol. 2. P. 169–184.

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Dauvalter V. Concentrations of heavy metals in superficial lake sediments of Pechenga district, Murmansk region, Russia. Vatten. 1992. Vol. 48, No. 2. P. 141–145.

Dauvalter V. Heavy metals in lake sediments of the Kola peninsula, Russia. Sci. Tot. Environ. 1994. Vol. 158. P. 51–61.

Dauvalter V. A. Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Inari-Pasvik lake-river system. Water Resources. 1998. Vol. 25, No. 4. P. 451–457.

Dauvalter V. Impact of mining and refining on the distribution and accumulation of nickel and other heavy metals in sediments of subarctic lake Kuetsjärvi, Murmansk region, Russia. J. Environ. Monitor. 2003. Vol. 5 (2). P. 210–215.

Dauvalter V., Rognerud S. Heavy metals pollution in sediment of the Pasvik River drainage. Chemosphere. 2001. Vol. 42, No 1. P. 9–18.

Dauvalter V., Sandimirov S. Pollution of the Sediments of the Paz River basin. Eds. Stebel K., Chritinsen G., Derome J., Grekela I. State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area. The Finnish Environment. 2007. No 6. 55 p.

Dauvalter V., Kashulin N., Sandimirov S., Terentjev P., Denisov D., Amundsen P. A. Chemical composition of lake sediments along a pollution gradient in a Subarctic water-course. J. Environ. Sci. Health. 2011. Part A, Vol. 46, iss 9. P. 1020–1033.

Gregurek D., Melcher F., Pavlov V. A., Reimann C., Stumpf E. F. Mineralogy and min-eral chemistry of snow filter residues in the vicinity of the nickel-copper processing industry, Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Miner. Petrol. 1999. Vol. 65. P. 87–111.

Kashulin N. A., Dauvalter V. A., Sandimirov S. S., Terentjev P. M., Koroleva I. M. Cata-logue of lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Kopi-jyva Oy, 2008. 313 p.

Lukin A., Dauvalter V., Kashulin N., Yakovlev V., Sharov A., Vandysh O. Assessment of copper-nickel industry impact on a subarctic lake ecosystem. Sci. Tot. Environ. 2003. Vol. 306. P. 73–83.

Moiseenko T. I., Kudryavtseva L. P., Rodyushkin I. V., Dauvalter V. A., Lukin A. A. and Kashulin N. A. Airborne contaminants by heavy metals and aluminium in the freshwater eco-systems of the Kola subarctic region (Russia). Sci. Tot. Environ. 1995. Vol. 160–161. P. 715–727.

Norton S. A., Hess C. T. Atmospheric deposition in Norway during the last 300 years as recorded in SNSF lake sediments: I. Sediment dating and chemical stratigraphy. Proc. Intern. Ecol. Impact of Acidic Precipitation, SNSF-project, Sandefjorden, Norway, 1980. P. 274–275.

Norton S. A., Dillon P .J., Evans R. D., Mierle G., Kahl J. S. The history of atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb in North America: Evidence from lake and peat bog sediments. Eds. S. E. Lindberg et al. Sources, Deposition and Capony Interactions. Acidic Precipitation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990. Vol. III. P. 73–101.

Norton S. A., Henriksen A., Appleby P. G. et al. Trace metal pollution in eastern Finnmark, Norway, as evidenced by studies of lake sediments. Oslo: SFT-report 487/92, 1992. 42 p.

Norton S. A., Appleby P. G., Dauvalter V., Traaen T. S. Trace metal pollution in eastern Finnmark, Norway and Kola Peninsula, Northeastern Russia as evidences by studies of lake sediment. NIVA-Report 41/1996, Oslo, 1996. 18 p.

Pacyna J. M., Pacyna E. G. An assessment of global and regional emissions of trace elements to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources worldwide. Environ. Rev. 2001. Vol. 4. P. 269–298.

Reimann C., Banks D., Bogatyrev I., de Cariat P., Kashulina G., Niskavaara H. Lake water geochemistry on the western Kola Peninsula, north-west Russia. Appl. Geochem. 1999. Vol. 14. P. 787–805.

Renberg I., Persson M. W., Emteryd O. Pre-industrial atmospheric lead contamination detected in Swedish lake sediments. Nature. 1994. Vol. 368. P. 323–326.

Rognerud S. Sedimentundersøkelser i Pasvikela høsten 1989. Oslo: NIVA-Rapport 401/90, 1990. 10 p.

Rognerud S., Norton S. A., Dauvalter V. Heavy metal pollution in lake sediments in the border areas between Russia and Norway. Oslo: NIVA-Report 522/ 93, 1993. 18 p.

Rognerud S., Fjeld E. Regional survey of heavy metals in lake sediments in Norway. AMBIO. 1993. Vol. 22, No 4. P. 206–212.

Rognerud S., Skotvold T., Fjeld E., Norton S. A., Hobak A. Concentrations of trace ele-ments in recent and preindustrial sediments from Norwegian and Russian Arctic lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1998. Vol. 55. P. 1512–1523.

Rognerud S., Dauvalter V. A., Fjeld E., Skjelkvåle B. L., Christensen G., Kashulin N. Spatial Trends of Trace-Element Contamination in Recently Deposited Lake Sediment Around the Ni–Cu Smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic. AMBIO. 2013. Vol. 42, No 6. P. 724–736.

Skogheim O. K. Rapport fra Arungenprosjektet. Oslo: As- NLH, 1979. No 2. 7 p.

Traaen T. S., T. Moiseenko, V. Dauvalter, S. Rognerud, A. Henriksen, L. Kudravseva. Acidification of surface waters, nickel and copper in water and lake sediments in the Rus-sian Norwegian border areas. Working Group for Water and Environmental Problems under the Norwegian Soviet Environmental Protection Commission. Oslo and Apatity, 1991. 20 p.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/lim40


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