Углеводороды в воде и осадках Норвежского и Баренцева морей
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I.A. Nemirovskaya Sedimentary matter and organic compounds in aerosols and in surface waters in the transatlantic section. // Geochemistry. 2017 No. 4, pp. 344–357.
Nemirovskaya I.A. Osadochnoye veshchestvo i organicheskiye soyedineniya v aerozolyakh i v poverkhnostnykh vodakh na transatlanticheskom razreze. // Geokhimiya. 2017 № 4, S. 344–357.
I.A. Nemirovskaya Hydrocarbons in the waters and bottom sediments of the Barents Sea during the period of ice cover variability // Geokhimiya. 2020.Vol. 65.No. 7.P. 822–824.
Nemirovskaya I.A. Uglevodorody v vodakh i donnykh osadkakh Barentseva morya v period izmenchivosti ledovogo pokrova // Geokhimiya. 2020. T. 65. № 7. S. 822–824.
Petrova V.I., Batova G.I., Kursheva A.V. et al. Hydrocarbons in bottom sediments of the Shtokman area - distribution, genesis, temporal trends // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Theory and practice. 2015. No. 3 .. DOI http: //dx.dol org / 10.173.53 / 2070-5379 / 35_2015.
I.A. Petrova V.I., Batova G.I., Kursheva A.V. i dr. Uglevodorody v donnykh osadkakh Shtokmanovskoy ploshchadi – raspredeleniye, genezis, vremennyye trendy // Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika. 2015. №3.. DOI http://dx.dol org/10.173.53/2070-5379/35_2015.
Nemirovskaya Sedimentary matter and organic compounds in aerosols and in surface waters in the transatlantic section. // Geochemistry. 2017 No. 4, pp. 344–357.
I.A. Nemirovskaya Hydrocarbons in the waters and bottom sediments of the Barents Sea during the period of ice cover variability // Geokhimiya. 2020.Vol. 65.No. 7.P. 822–824.
Petrova V.I., Batova G.I., Kursheva A.V. et al. Hydrocarbons in bottom sediments of the Shtokman area - distribution, genesis, temporal trends // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Theory and practice. 2015. No. 3 .. DOI http: //dx.dol org / 10.173.53 / 2070-5379 / 35_2015.
Guide to Methods for Analysis of Sea Water. RD 52.10. 243-92. / ed. S. G. Oradovsky. SPb: Gidrometeoizdat. 1993.264 p. Guide to Methods for Analysis of Sea Water. RD 52.10. 243-92. / ed. S. G. Oradovsky. SPb: Gidrometeoizdat. 1993.264 p.
AMAP (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme) (2007). Ch. 4 Sources, Inputs and Concentrations of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and other Contaminants Related to Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic. Oslo: 2007. AMAP, 87 p.
Arrigo K.R., van Dijken G.L. (2015). Continued increases in Arctic Ocean primary production// Progr. Oceanog. 2015. V.136. P. 60–70.
Dalpadado P., Ingvaldsen R. B., Stige L. C., Bogstad B., Knutsen T., Ottersen G., Ellertsen B. (2012). Climate effects on Barents Sea ecosystem dynamics ICES. J. Mar. Sci. 2012. V.69. № 7. Р. 1303–1316.
Ehrhardt J.D. Negative‐ion mass spectra of methylated diuretics // Repid. Com. Mass. Spect. 1992. V. 6. № 5. Р.349–351.
England W.A., MacKenzie A.S., Mann D.M. and Quigley T.M. The movement and entrapment of petroleum fluids in the subsurface // J. Geol. Soc. 1987. V.144. P. 327-347.
Monitoring of hazardous substances in the White Sea and Pechora Sea: harmonisation with OSPAR's Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme (CEMP) Tromsø: Akvaplan-niva, 2011. 71р.
Saliot A., Goutx M., Fefrier A., et al. Organic sedimentation in the water column in the Arabian Sea; relationship between the lipid composition of small and large-size, surface and deep particle // Mar.Chem.1982. V. 11. №. 3. P.257–278.
Tolosa I., Mora S., Sheikholeslami M.R.et al. Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in coastal Caspian Sea sediments // Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2004. V. 48. P. 44–60.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/lim1382
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