Сообщества почвенных нематод агроценозов с монокультурами (на примере Республики Карелия)

Елизавета Михайловна Матвеева, Анна Алексеевна Сущук, Дарья Сергеевна Калинкина, Elizaveta Matveeva, Anna Sushchuk, Darya Kalinkina


Исследовано влияние выращиваемых сельскохозяйственных культур на свободноживущих и фитопаразитических нематод на примере агроценозов Южной Карелии (поля с пропашными культурами, сеяные луга), проведено сравнение монодоминантных растительных сообществ агроценозов (пропашные культуры) и биотопов с видом-интродуцентом Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. Определены характеристики, отражающие особенности сообществ нематод в разнотипных агроценозах. Это фаунистический состав с выделением постоянных и специфичных таксонов, определяющий сходство и различия агроценозов, трофическая структура сообществ нематод и эколого-популяционные индексы, позволяющие оценить состояние почвенных экосистем. Под пропашными культурами преобладают бактериотрофы и микотрофы, устойчивые к неблагоприятным условиям среды и участвующие в разложении органического вещества, которые составляют постоянное ядро фауны. В почве сеяных лугов увеличивается значимость нематод-фитотрофов в сообществе; значения эколого-популяционных индексов позволяют рассматривать эту почвенную экосистему как структурированную и стабильную. По характеристикам сообществ почвенных нематод агроэкосистема, представленная многокомпонентным сеяным лугом, соответствует поздним стадиям экологической сукцессии.

Ключевые слова

почвенные нематоды; таксономическое разнообразие; эколого-трофическая структура сообществ; эколого-популяционные индексы

Полный текст:



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Груздева Л. И., Матвеева Е. М., Сущук А. А. Почвенные нематоды лесных сообществ на различных стадиях восстановления после рубки // Нематоды естественных и трансформированных экосистем: сборник научных статей. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН. 2011б. С. 56–59.

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Neher D. A., Wu J., Barbercheck M. E., Anas O. Ecosystem type affects interpretation of soil nematode community measures // Applied Soil Ecology. 2005. Vol. 30. Issue 1. P. 47–64.

Pavao-Zuckerman M. A., Coleman D. C. Urbanization alters the functional composition, but not taxonomic diversity, of the soil nematode community // Applied Soil Ecology. 2007. Vol. 35. P. 329–339.

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Rossouw J., van Rensburg L., Claassens S., van Rensburg P. J. Jansen. Nematodes as indicators of ecosystem development during platinum mine tailings reclamation // The Environmentalist. 2008. Vol. 28. Issue 2. P. 99–107.

Shao Y., Zhang W., Shen J., Zhou L., Xia H., Shu W., Ferris H., Fu S. Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a lead/zinc mine // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2008. Vol. 40. Issue 8. P. 2040–2046.

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Sohlenius B. Influence of clear-cutting and forest age on the nematode fauna in a Swedish pine forest soil // Applied Soil Ecology. 2002. Vol. 10. P. 261–277.

Sohlenius B., Bostrӧm S., Viketoft M. Effects of plant species and plant diversity on soil nematodes – a field experiment on grassland run for seven years // Nematology. 2011. Vol. 13 (1). P. 115–131.

Tomar V. V. S., Ahmad W. Food web diagnostics and functional diversity of soil inhabiting nematodes in a natural woodland // Helminthologia. 2009. Vol. 46, Issue 3. P. 183–189.

Viketoft M. Effects of six grassland plant species on soil nematodes: a glasshouse experiment // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2008. Vol. 40. P. 906–915.

Viketoft M., Sohlenius B. Soil nematode populations in a grassland plant diversity experiment run for seven years // Applied Soil Ecology. 2011. Vol. 48. P. 174–184.

Wardle D. A., Yeates G. W., Williamson W., Bonner K. I. The response of a three trophic level soil food web to the identity and diversity of plant species and functional groups // Oikos. 2003. Vol. 102. P. 45–56.

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Yeates G. W. Modification and qualification of the nematode maturity index // Pedobiologia. 1994. Vol. 38. P. 97–101.

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Yeates G. W., Bongers T., de Goede R. G. M., Freckman D. W. & Georgieva S. S. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera: An outlain for soil ecologists // J. of Nematology. 1993. Vol. 25, No 3. P. 315–331.

Zhang X., Li Q., Zhu A., Liang W., Zhang J., Steinberger Y. Effects of tillage and residue management on soil nematode communities in North China // Ecological Indicators. 2012. Vol. 13. P. 75–81.


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Gruzdeva L. I., Kovalenko T. E., Matveeva E. M. Pochvennye nematody kak komponent materikovyh i ostrovnyh jekosistem [Soil nematodes as a component of continental and island ecosystems]. Trudy KarNC RAN. Serija Biologija. Biogeografija Karelii [Proceedings of KarRC RAS. Series “Biology”. Biogeography of Karelia]. Petrozavodsk: KarNC RAN. 2001. Vyp. 2. S. 110–118.

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Gruzdeva L. I., Matveeva E. M., Sushhuk A. A. Raznoobrazie fauny nematod estestvennyh biocenozov Karelii [Diversity of nematode fauna in natural biocenoses of Karelia]. Nematody estestvennyh i transformirovannyh jekosistem: sbornik nauchnyh statej [Nematodes of natural and transformed ecosystems. Collected scientific papers]. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skij nauchnyj centr RAN. 2011a. S. 54–56.

Gruzdeva L. I., Matveeva E. M., Sushhuk A. A. Pochvennye nematody lesnyh soobshhestv na razlichnyh stadijah vosstanovlenija posle rubki [Soil nematodes of forest communities at different stages of recovery after clear-cutting]. Nematody estestvennyh i transformirovannyh jekosistem: sbornik nauchnyh statej [Nematodes of natural and transformed ecosystems. Collected scientific papers]. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skij nauchnyj centr RAN. 2011b. S. 56–59.

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Matveeva E. M., Gruzdeva L. I., Kovalenko T. E., Sushhuk A. A. Pochvennye nematody kak bioindikatory tehnogennogo zagrjaznenija taezhnyh jekosistem [Soil nematodes as bioindicators of technogenic pollution of taiga ecosystems]. Trudy Karel'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN [Proceedings of KarRC RAS]. Petrozavodsk. 2008. Vyp. 14. S. 63–75.

Sushсhuk A. A., Gruzdeva L. I. Vlijanie tehnogennogo zagrjaznenija promyshlennyh centrov Karelii na soobshhestva pochvennyh nematod [Effect of anthropogenic pollution of Karelian industrial centres on soil nematode communities]. Izvestija PGPU im. V. G. Belinskogo [Proceedings of V.G. Belinskii PSPU]. 2011. No 25. S. 441–448.

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Bongers T. 1990. The maturity index: an ecological measure of environmental disturbance based on nematode species composition. Oecologia. Vol. 83. P. 14–19.

Chen G., Qin. J., Shi D., Zhang Y., Ji W. 2009. Diversity of soil nematodes in areas polluted with heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lanzhou, China. Environmental Management. Vol. 44. P. 163–172.

DuPont S. T., Ferris H., Van Horn M. 2009. Effects of cover crop quality and quantity on nematode-based soil food webs and nutrient cycling. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 41. P. 157–167.

Ettema C. H., Bongers T. 1993. Characterization of nematode colonization and succession in disturbed soil using the Maturity Index. Biology & Fertility of Soils. Vol. 16. P. 193–209.

Ferris H., Bongers T., de Goede R. G. M. 2001. A framework for soil food web diagnostics: extension of the nematode faunal analysis concept. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 18. P. 13–29.

Georgieva S. S., McGrath S. P., Hooper D. J., Chambers B. S. 2002. Nematode communities under stress: the long-term effects of heavy metals in soil treated with sewage sludge. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 20. P. 27–42.

Gruzdeva L. I., Matveeva E. M., Kovalenko T. E. 2003. The effect of heavy metal salts on soil-inhabiting nematode communities. Eurasian Soil Science. Vol. 36, No 5. P. 536–545.

Hammer Ø., Harper D. A. T., Ryan P. D. 2001. Past: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Paleontological Electronica. 4 (1). 9 p. (http://palaeo-electronica.org/2001_1/past/issue1_01.htm).

Neher D. A., Wu J., Barbercheck M. E., Anas O. 2005. Ecosystem type affects interpretation of soil nematode community measures. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 30. Issue 1. P. 47–64.

Pavao-Zuckerman M. A., Coleman D. C. 2007. Urbanization alters the functional composition, but not taxonomic diversity, of the soil nematode community. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 35. P. 329–339.

Pen-Mouratov S., Shukurov N., Steinberger Y. 2008. Influence of industrial heavy metal pollution on soil free-living nematode population. Environmental Pollution. Vol. 152. P. 172–183.

Rossouw J., van Rensburg L., Claassens S., van Rensburg P. J. Jansen. 2008. Nematodes as indicators of ecosystem development during platinum mine tailings reclamation. The Environmentalist. Vol. 28. Issue 2. P. 99–107.

Shao Y., Zhang W., Shen J., Zhou L., Xia H., Shu W., Ferris H., Fu S. 2008. Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a lead/zinc mine. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Vol. 40. Issue 8. P. 2040–2046.

Sohlenius B., Sandor A. 1987. Vertical distribution of nematodes in arable soil under grass (Festuca pratensis) and barley (Hordeum distichum). Biology and Fertility of Soils. Vol. 3. P. 19–25.

Sohlenius B. 2002. Influence of clear-cutting and forest age on the nematode fauna in a Swedish pine forest soil. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 10. P. 261–277.

Sohlenius B., Bostrӧm S., Viketoft M. 2011. Effects of plant species and plant diversity on soil nematodes – a field experiment on grassland run for seven years. Nematology. Vol. 13 (1). P. 115–131.

Tomar V. V. S., Ahmad W. 2009. Food web diagnostics and functional diversity of soil inhabiting nematodes in a natural woodland. Helminthologia. Vol. 46, Issue 3. P. 183–189.

Viketoft M. 2008. Effects of six grassland plant species on soil nematodes: a glasshouse experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Vol. 40. P. 906–915.

Viketoft M., Sohlenius B. 2011. Soil nematode populations in a grassland plant diversity experiment run for seven years. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 48. P. 174–184.

Wardle D. A., Yeates G. W., Williamson W., Bonner K. I. 2003. The response of a three trophic level soil food web to the identity and diversity of plant species and functional groups. Oikos. Vol. 102. P. 45–56.

Wasilewska L. 1979. The structure and function of soil nematode communities in natural ecosystems and agrocenoses. Polish Ecological Studies. Vol. 5. P. 97–145.

Wasilewska L. 1989. Impact of human activities on nematode communities in terrestrial ecosystems. Ecology of arable land – perspectives and challenges. Clarholm M., Bergström L. (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. 123–132.

Yeates G. W. 1994. Modification and qualification of the nematode maturity index. Pedobiologia. Vol. 38. P. 97–101.

Yeates G. W., Bongers T. 1999. Nematode diversity in agroecosystems. Agriculture, ecosystems and environment. Vol. 74. P. 113–135.

Yeates G. W., Bongers T., de Goede R. G. M., Freckman D. W. & Georgieva S. S. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera: An outlain for soil ecologists. J. of Nematology. Vol. 25, No 3. P. 315–331.

Zhang X., Li Q., Zhu A., Liang W., Zhang J., Steinberger Y. 2012. Effects of tillage and residue management on soil nematode communities in North China. Ecological Indicators. Vol. 13. P. 75–81.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/eco16


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