Ирина Александровна Нилова, Людмила Владимировна Топчиева, Александр Федорович Титов, Irina Nilova, Lyudmila Topchieva, Alexandr Titov


На недельных проростках пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) сорта Московская 39 изучали влияние высоких закаливающих (33° и 37°С) и повреждающей (43°С) температур на динамику теплоустойчивости клеток листьев и экспрессию генов белков теплового шока (БТШ). Показано, что под влиянием температур 33 и 37°С теплоустойчивость клеток листьев постепенно возрастала, достигая максимума через 2 и 3 суток, соответственно. Действие на проростки температуры 43°С первоначально также вызывало быстрый рост устойчивости клеток к прогреву, но который затем сменялся ее резким снижением. Повышение теплоустойчивости проростков во всех случаях сопровождалось изменением уровня экспрессии генов высокомолекулярных и низкомолекулярных БТШ: TaHSP70, TaHSP90, TaHSP16,9 и TaHSP19. При этом уровень их экспрессии зависел как от интенсивности, действующей на растении температуры и экспозиции, так и от принадлежности БТШ к определенному семейству белков. В частности, в начальный период действия температур 33, 37, 43°С отмечено накопление транскриптов генов TaHSP70, TaHSP90 и TaHSP16,9 тогда как при более длительном тепловом воздействии – транскриптов генов  TaHSP16,9 TaHSP19. На основании полученных данных сделан вывод, что рост устойчивости клеток листьев пшеницы в начальный период действия высоких закаливающих и повреждающих температур связан с увеличением транскрипционной активности генов, кодирующих БТШ. Однако их соотносительный вклад в устойчивость может варьировать в зависимости от интенсивности и продолжительности высокотемпературного воздействия, а также от принадлежности к тому или иному семейству БТШ.

Ключевые слова

Triticum aestivum L.; теплоустойчивость; высокие температу- ры; изменения экспрессии генов; белки теплового шока

Полный текст:



Александров В. Я. Цитофизиологические и цитоэкологические исследования устойчивости растительных клеток к действию высоких температур // Тр. Ботан. Ин-та АН СССР. 1963 Т.4. С. 234 – 280.

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Al-Whaibi M. H. Plant heat-shock proteins: A mini review // Journal of King Saud University – Science. 2010. P. 139 – 150. doi: 10.1016/j.jksus.2010.06.002

Basha E., O’Neill H., Vierling E. Small heat shock proteins and a-crystallins: dynamic proteins with flexible functions // Trends Biochem. Sci. 2012. Vol. 37. P. 106–117.

Bita C.E., Gerats T. Plant tolerance to high temperature in changing environment: scientific fundamentals and production of heat stress-tolerant crops // J. Frontiers in plant science. Crop science and horticulture. 2013. Vol. 4 P. 1 – 18. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00273

Boorstein W. R., Ziegelhoffer Th., Craig E. A. Molecular evolution of the HSP70 multigene family // J Mol Evol. 1994. P. 1 – 17.

Chen Q., Lauzon L. M., DeRocher A. E., Vierling E. Accumulation, stability, and localization of a major chloroplast heat-shock protein // J. Cell Biol. 1990. Vol. 110. No. 6. P. 1873–1883.

Cho E. K., Hong Ch. B. Over-expression of tobacco NtHSP70-1 contributes to drought-stress tolerance in plants // Physiology and biochemistry. 2006. P. 349 – 358. doi: 10.1007/s00299-005-0093-2.

DeRocher A. E., Helm K. W., Lauzon L. M., Vierling E. Expression of a conserved family of cytoplasmic low molecular weight heat stress proteins during heat stress and recovery // Plant Physiol. 1991. Vol. 96. No. 4. P. 1038 – 1047.

Gou M., Zhai Yu., Lu Ji., Chai L., Chai W., Gong Zh., Lu M. Characterization of CaHsp70-1, a Pepper heat-shock protein gene in response to heat stress and some regulation exogenous substances in Capsicum annuum L. // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014. P. 19741 – 19759. doi: 10.3390/ijms151119741

Gulli M., Corradi M., Rampino P., Marmiroli N., Perrotta C. Four members of the HSP101 gene family are differently reguleted in Triticum durum Desf. // FEBS letters. 2007. P. 4841 – 4849. doi: 1016/j.febslet.2007.09.010

Hasanuzzaman M., Nahar K., Alam M. M., Roychowdhury R., Fujita M. Physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of heat stress tolerance in plants // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013. P. 9643 – 9684. doi: 10,3390/ijms14059643

Huerta C., Freire M., Cardemil L. Expression of hsp70, hsp100 and ubiquitin in Aloe barbadensis Miller under direct heat stress and under temperature acclimation conditions // Plant cell Rep. 2013. P. 293 – 307. doi: 10,1007/s00299-012-1363-4

Jiang C., Xu J., Zhang H., Zhang X., Shi J., Li M., Ming F. A cytosolic class I small heat shock protein, RcHSP17.8, of Rosa chinensis confers resistance to a variety of stresses to Escherichia coli, yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana // Plant Cell Environ. 2009. Vol. 32. P. 1046–1059. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01987.x.

Kim D. H., Xu Z.-Y., Na Y. J., Yoo Y.-J., Lee J., Sohn E.-J., Hwang I. Small heat shock protein Hsp17.8 functions as an AKR2A cofactor in the targeting of chloroplast outer membrane proteins in Arabidopsis // Plant Physiol. 2011. Vol. 157. P. 132 – 146. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.178681

Kumar R. R., Singh G. P., Goswami S., Pathak H., Rai R. D. Proteome analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the identification of differentially expressed heat-responsive proteins // AJCS. 2014. P. 973 – 986.

Li J., Wang Zh., Peng H., Liu Zh. A MITE insertion into the 3’-UTR regulates the transcription of TaHSP16.9 in common wheat // The CROP JOURNAL. 2014. P. 381 – 387. doi: 10.16/j.cj.2014.07.001

Li Q. B., Haskell D. W., Guy Ch. L. Coordinate and non-coordinate expression of the stress 70 family and other molecular chaperones at high and low temperature in spinach and tomato // Plant molecular biology. 1999. P. 21 – 34

Lund A. A., Blum P. H., Bhattramakki D ., Elthon T. E. Heat-Stress response of maize mitochondria // Plant Physiol. 1998. Vol. 116. P. 1097–1110.

Malik M. K., Slovin J. P., Hwang C. H., Zimmerman J. L. Modified expression of a carrot small heat shock protein gene, hsp17. 7, results in increased or decreased thermotolerance // Plant J. 1999. Vol. 20. P. 89–99.

Mittler R., Finka A., Goloubinoff P. How plants feel the heat? // Trends in Biochemical Science. 2012. Vol.37., No. 3. doi: 10.16/j.tibs.2011.11.007

Montero-Barrientos M., Hermosa R., Cardoza R. E., Gutierrez., Nicolas C., Monte E. Transgenic expression of the Trichoderma harzianum hsp70 gene increases Arabidopsis resistance to heat and other abiotic stress // Journal of plant physiology. 2010. P. 659 – 665. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2009.11.012

Mu Ch., Zhang Sh., Yu G., Ni Ch., Li X., Liu H. Overexpression of small heat shock protein LimHSP16.45 in Arabidopsis enhances tolerance to abiotic srtesses // PLOS ONE. 2013. Vol. 8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082264

Necchi A., Pogna N. E., Mapelli J. Early and late heat shock proteins in wheats and other cereal species // Plant Physiol. 1987. Vol. 84. No. 4. P. 1378 – 1384.

Park H. J., Jung W. Yo., Lee S. S., Song J. H., Kwon S., Kim H., Kim Ch., Ahn J. Ch., Cho H. S. Use of stress responsive gene expression levels for early selection of heat tolerant cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) // J. Mol. Sci. 2013. P. 1187 – 11894. doi: 10.3390/ijms140611871.

Qu A., Ding Y., Jiang Q., Zhu Ch. Molecular mechanisms of the plant heat stress response // Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2013. P 203 – 207.

Sanmiya K., Suzuki K., Egawa Y., Shono M. Mitochondrial small heat shock protein enhances thermotolerance in tobacco plants // FEBS Lett. 2004. Vol. 557. P. 265–268.

Sarkar N. K., Kim Y. K., Grover A. Rice sHsp genes: genomic organization and expression profiling under stress and development // BMC Genomics. 2009. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-393

Scarpeci E. T., Zanor M. I., Valle E. M. Investigation the role of plant heat shock proteins during oxidative stress // Plant signaling and behavior. 2008. Vol.3 P. 856 – 857. doi: 10.1007/s11103-007-9274-4.

Song A., Zhu X., Chen F., Gao H., Jiang Ji., Chen S. A Chrysanthemum heat shock protein confers tolerance to abiotic stress // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014. P. 5063 – 5078. doi: 10.3390/ijms15035063

Sun W. N., Bernard C., van de Cotte B., Van Montagu M., Verbruggen N. At-HSP17.6A, encoding a small heat-shock protein in Arabidopsis, can enhance osmotolerance upon overexpression // Plant J. 2001. Vol. 27. P. 407–415.

Sung D. Y., Vierling E., Guy Ch. L. Comprehensive expression profile analysis of the Arabidopsis Hsp70 gene family // Plant Physiology. 2001. Vol. 126. P. 789 – 800

Usman M. G., Rafii M. Y., Ismail M. R. Malek M. A., Latif M. Ab., Oladosu Yu. Heat shock proteins: functions and response against heat stress in plants // IJSTR. 2014. V. 3. ISSUE 11. P. 204 – 218

Wahid A., Gelani S., Ashraf M., Floolad M. R. Heat tolerance in plants: An overview // J. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2007. Vol. 61. P. 199 – 223.

Waters. E. R., Lee G. J., Vierling E. Evolution, structure and function of the small heat shock proteins in plants // Journal of experimental botany. 1996. Vol. 47. No. 296. P. 325 – 338.

Yen Ch. H., Chang P. F. L.,Yen K. W., Lin W.Ch., Chen Y. M., Lin Ch. Yu. Expression of a gene encoding a 16.9-kDa heat-shock protein Oshsp16.9, in Escherichia coli enhance thermotolerance // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997. Vol. 94. P. 10967 – 10972.


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Basha E., O’Neill H., Vierling E. Small heat shock proteins and a-crystallins: dynamic proteins with flexible functions // Trends Biochem. Sci. 2012. Vol. 37. P. 106–117.

Bita C.E., Gerats T. Plant tolerance to high temperature in changing environment: scientific fundamentals and production of heat stress-tolerant crops // J. Frontiers in plant science. Crop science and horticulture. 2013. Vol. 4 P. 1 – 18. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00273

Boorstein W. R., Ziegelhoffer Th., Craig E. A. Molecular evolution of the HSP70 multigene family // J Mol Evol. 1994. P. 1 – 17.

Chen Q., Lauzon L. M., DeRocher A. E., Vierling E. Accumulation, stability, and localization of a major chloroplast heat-shock protein // J. Cell Biol. 1990. Vol. 110. No. 6. P. 1873–1883.

Cho E. K., Hong Ch. B. Over-expression of tobacco NtHSP70-1 contributes to drought-stress tolerance in plants // Physiology and biochemistry. 2006. P. 349 – 358. doi: 10.1007/s00299-005-0093-2

DeRocher A. E., Helm K. W., Lauzon L. M., Vierling E. Expression of a conserved family of cytoplasmic low molecular weight heat stress proteins during heat stress and recovery // Plant Physiol. 1991. Vol. 96. No. 4. P. 1038 – 1047.

Gou M., Zhai Yu., Lu Ji., Chai L., Chai W., Gong Zh., Lu M. Characterization of CaHsp70-1, a Pepper heat-shock protein gene in response to heat stress and some regulation exogenous substances in Capsicum annuum L. // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014. P. 19741 – 19759. doi: 10.3390/ijms151119741

Gulli M., Corradi M., Rampino P., Marmiroli N., Perrotta C. Four members of the HSP101 gene family are differently reguleted in Triticum durum Desf. // FEBS letters. 2007. P. 4841 – 4849. doi: 1016/j.febslet.2007.09.010

Hasanuzzaman M., Nahar K., Alam M. M., Roychowdhury R., Fujita M. Physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of heat stress tolerance in plants // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013. P. 9643 – 9684. doi: 10,3390/ijms14059643

Huerta C., Freire M., Cardemil L. Expression of hsp70, hsp100 and ubiquitin in Aloe barbadensis Miller under direct heat stress and under temperature acclimation conditions // Plant cell Rep. 2013. P. 293 – 307. doi: 10,1007/s00299-012-1363-4

Jiang C., Xu J., Zhang H., Zhang X., Shi J., Li M., Ming F. A cytosolic class I small heat shock protein, RcHSP17.8, of Rosa chinensis confers resistance to a variety of stresses to Escherichia coli, yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana // Plant Cell Environ. 2009. Vol. 32. P. 1046–1059. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01987.x.

Kim D. H., Xu Z.-Y., Na Y. J., Yoo Y.-J., Lee J., Sohn E.-J., Hwang I. Small heat shock protein Hsp17.8 functions as an AKR2A cofactor in the targeting of chloroplast outer membrane proteins in Arabidopsis // Plant Physiol. 2011. Vol. 157. P. 132 – 146. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.178681

Kumar R. R., Singh G. P., Goswami S., Pathak H., Rai R. D. Proteome analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the identification of differentially expressed heat-responsive proteins // AJCS. 2014. P. 973 – 986

Li J., Wang Zh., Peng H., Liu Zh. A MITE insertion into the 3’-UTR regulates the transcription of TaHSP16.9 in common wheat // The CROP JOURNAL. 2014. P. 381 – 387. doi: 10.16/j.cj.2014.07.001

Li Q. B., Haskell D. W., Guy Ch. L. Coordinate and non-coordinate expression of the stress 70 family and other molecular chaperones at high and low temperature in spinach and tomato // Plant molecular biology. 1999. P. 21 – 34

Lund A. A., Blum P. H., Bhattramakki D ., Elthon T. E. Heat-Stress response of maize mitochondria // Plant Physiol. 1998. Vol. 116. P. 1097–1110.

Malik M. K., Slovin J. P., Hwang C. H., Zimmerman J. L. Modified expression of a carrot small heat shock protein gene, hsp17. 7, results in increased or decreased thermotolerance // Plant J. 1999. Vol. 20. P. 89–99.

Mittler R., Finka A., Goloubinoff P. How plants feel the heat? // Trends in Biochemical Science. 2012. Vol.37., No. 3. doi: 10.16/j.tibs.2011.11.007

Montero-Barrientos M., Hermosa R., Cardoza R. E., Gutierrez., Nicolas C., Monte E. Transgenic expression of the Trichoderma harzianum hsp70 gene increases Arabidopsis resistance to heat and other abiotic stress // Journal of plant physiology. 2010. P. 659 – 665. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2009.11.012

Mu Ch., Zhang Sh., Yu G., Ni Ch., Li X., Liu H. Overexpression of small heat shock protein LimHSP16.45 in Arabidopsis enhances tolerance to abiotic srtesses // PLOS ONE. 2013. Vol. 8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082264

Necchi A., Pogna N. E., Mapelli J. Early and late heat shock proteins in wheats and other cereal species // Plant Physiol. 1987. Vol. 84. No. 4. P. 1378 – 1384

Park H. J., Jung W. Yo., Lee S. S., Song J. H., Kwon S., Kim H., Kim Ch., Ahn J. Ch., Cho H. S. Use of stress responsive gene expression levels for early selection of heat tolerant cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) // J. Mol. Sci. 2013. P. 1187 – 11894. doi: 10.3390/ijms140611871.

Qu A., Ding Y., Jiang Q., Zhu Ch. Molecular mechanisms of the plant heat stress response // Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2013. P 203 – 207.

Sanmiya K., Suzuki K., Egawa Y., Shono M. Mitochondrial small heat shock protein enhances thermotolerance in tobacco plants // FEBS Lett. 2004. Vol. 557. P. 265–268.

Sarkar N. K., Kim Y. K., Grover A. Rice sHsp genes: genomic organization and expression profiling under stress and development // BMC Genomics. 2009. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-393

Scarpeci E. T., Zanor M. I., Valle E. M. Investigation the role of plant heat shock proteins during oxidative stress // Plant signaling and behavior. 2008. Vol.3 P. 856 – 857. doi: 10.1007/s11103-007-9274-4.

Song A., Zhu X., Chen F., Gao H., Jiang Ji., Chen S. A Chrysanthemum heat shock protein confers tolerance to abiotic stress // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014. P. 5063 – 5078. doi: 10.3390/ijms15035063

Sun W. N., Bernard C., van de Cotte B., Van Montagu M., Verbruggen N. At-HSP17.6A, encoding a small heat-shock protein in Arabidopsis, can enhance osmotolerance upon overexpression // Plant J. 2001. Vol. 27. P. 407–415.

Sung D. Y., Vierling E., Guy Ch. L. Comprehensive expression profile analysis of the Arabidopsis Hsp70 gene family // Plant Physiology. 2001. Vol. 126. P. 789 – 800.

Usman M. G., Rafii M. Y., Ismail M. R. Malek M. A., Latif M. Ab., Oladosu Yu. Heat shock proteins: functions and response against heat stress in plants // IJSTR. 2014. V. 3. ISSUE 11. P. 204 – 218.

Wahid A., Gelani S., Ashraf M., Floolad M. R. Heat tolerance in plants: An overview // J. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2007. Vol. 61. P. 199 – 223.

Waters. E. R., Lee G. J., Vierling E. Evolution, structure and function of the small heat shock proteins in plants // Journal of experimental botany. 1996. Vol. 47. No. 296. P. 325 – 338.

Yen Ch. H., Chang P. F. L.,Yen K. W., Lin W.Ch., Chen Y. M., Lin Ch. Yu. Expression of a gene encoding a 16.9-kDa heat-shock protein Oshsp16.9, in Escherichia coli enhance thermotolerance // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997. Vol. 94. P. 10967 – 10972.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/eb240


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